Ah never mind, I figured it out.  tksurfer was automatically setting the range 
to go from 2-5 so cluster 1 was not getting displayed.  So please convert this 
question to a user suggestion to automatically set the threshold setting to the 
full range when displaying ocn and cluster overlays (as the default threshold 
was also the reason the suparmarginal gyrus cluster was not being displayed).



On Jun 15, 2013, at 12:07 AM, Joseph Dien <jdie...@mac.com> wrote:

> I'm getting some puzzling discrepancies when comparing the ocn and the 
> cluster outputs.  The summary file indicates there should be five significant 
> clusters (see below).  
> The cluster file only shows four of the clusters, although I'm guessing that 
> the supramarginal one is not being displayed because it did not pass the 
> three-space Bonferroni (so the cluster file only includes clusters that pass 
> that additional correction)?  What is really confusing me is that the ocn 
> file does display the supramarginal cluster but does not show the rostral 
> anterior cingulate cluster.  How does this work?  See attached images below.
> This is with Freesurfer 5.20 on OS X 10.8.3.
> Cheers!
> Joe
> tksurfer fsaverage lh inflated -aparc -overlay 
> CPA.sm05.lh/CS-v-OTHERS/CS-v-OTHERS.wls/osgm/cache.th20.pos.sig.ocn.nii.gz
> tksurfer fsaverage lh inflated -aparc -overlay 
> CPA.sm05.lh/CS-v-OTHERS/CS-v-OTHERS.wls/osgm/cache.th20.pos.sig.cluster.nii.gz
> # Cluster Growing Summary (mri_surfcluster)
> # $Id: mri_surfcluster.c,v 2012/05/31 22:10:05 greve Exp $
> # $Id: mrisurf.c,v 1.693.2.4 2012/11/07 22:38:00 nicks Exp $
> # CreationTime 2013/05/26-22:53:59-GMT
> # cmdline mri_surfcluster --in CS-v-OTHERS.wls/osgm/sig.nii.gz --csd 
> /Applications/freesurfer/average/mult-comp-cor/fsaverage/lh/cortex/fwhm12/pos/th20/mc-z.csd
>  --mask CS-v-OTHERS.wls/mask.nii.gz --cwsig 
> CS-v-OTHERS.wls/osgm/cache.th20.pos.sig.cluster.nii.gz --vwsig 
> CS-v-OTHERS.wls/osgm/cache.th20.pos.sig.voxel.nii.gz --sum 
> CS-v-OTHERS.wls/osgm/cache.th20.pos.sig.cluster.summary --ocn 
> CS-v-OTHERS.wls/osgm/cache.th20.pos.sig.ocn.nii.gz --oannot 
> CS-v-OTHERS.wls/osgm/cache.th20.pos.sig.ocn.annot --annot aparc --csdpdf 
> CS-v-OTHERS.wls/osgm/cache.th20.pos.pdf.dat --cwpvalthresh .05 --o 
> CS-v-OTHERS.wls/osgm/cache.th20.pos.sig.masked.nii.gz --no-fixmni 
> --bonferroni 3 --surf white 
> # cwd /Volumes/Data/CP1/fsfast/secondLevel/CPA.sm05.lh/CS-v-OTHERS
> # sysname  Darwin
> # hostname megajoe.home
> # machine  x86_64
> # FixVertexAreaFlag 1
> # FixSurfClusterArea 1
> # 
> # Input      CS-v-OTHERS.wls/osgm/sig.nii.gz
> # Frame Number      0
> # srcsubj fsaverage
> # hemi lh
> # surface white
> # annot aparc
> # SUBJECTS_DIR /Applications/freesurfer/subjects
> # SearchSpace_mm2 65416.6
> # SearchSpace_vtx 148649
> # Bonferroni 3
> # Minimum Threshold 2
> # Maximum Threshold infinity
> # Threshold Sign    pos
> # AdjustThreshWhenOneTail 1
> # CW PValue Threshold: 0.05 
> # Area Threshold    0 mm^2
> # CSD thresh  2.000000
> # CSD nreps    10000
> # CSD simtype  null-z
> # CSD contrast NA
> # CSD confint  90.000000
> # Overall max 5.96965 at vertex 140670
> # Overall min -3.06064 at vertex 162717
> # NClusters          5
> # Total Cortical Surface Area 65416.6 (mm^2)
> # FixMNI = 0
> # 
> # ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  MNIX   MNIY   MNIZ    CWP    CWPLow   
>  CWPHi   NVtxs   Annot
>    1        5.970  140670   2209.93     -5.9   40.9   -0.0  0.00030  0.00000  
> 0.00060  4223  rostralanteriorcingulate
>    2        4.146   49359   1566.01     -4.0  -19.8   35.8  0.00030  0.00000  
> 0.00060  3668  posteriorcingulate
>    3        3.860  111375    446.35    -44.6  -37.3   25.1  0.02558  0.02204  
> 0.02911  1037  supramarginal
>    4        3.711  128614    652.01    -24.4  -26.8  -24.3  0.00150  0.00060  
> 0.00240  1539  parahippocampal
>    5        3.647   25172   1334.99    -48.7  -50.3   17.3  0.00030  0.00000  
> 0.00060  2700  inferiorparietal
> <question5.jpg>
> On May 31, 2013, at 4:44 PM, Joseph Dien <jdie...@mac.com> wrote:
>> It looks like the corrected vertex p-values (ex: 
>> cache.th13.abs.sig.voxel.nii.gz) are only available for the surface-based lh 
>> and rh spaces.  For the subcortical volume-based analysis I don't see the 
>> corresponding corrected voxel p-values being available?
>> On May 31, 2013, at 2:46 PM, Joseph Dien <jdie...@mac.com> wrote:
>>> On May 31, 2013, at 12:11 PM, Douglas N Greve <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 05/31/2013 01:49 AM, Joseph Dien wrote:
>>>>> I was able to make more progress so I'm mostly good at this point but 
>>>>> I have a remaining question:
>>>>> I assume the contents of sig.nii.gz (which I assume are the vertex 
>>>>> p-values) are not FWE corrected.  Is it possible to get FWE-corrected 
>>>>> vertex p-values?  Or are only clusterwise corrections available?
>>>> There should be something like cache.th13.abs.sig.voxel.mgh which is 
>>>> corrected on a voxelwise basis (the th13 is just part of the name but it 
>>>> should be the same regardless of the threshold you choose)
>>>> doug
>>> Excellent!  Thanks!  :)
>>>>> Thanks again for your patience!
>>>>> Joe
>>>>> On May 30, 2013, at 4:37 PM, Joseph Dien <jdie...@mac.com 
>>>>> <mailto:jdie...@mac.com>> wrote:
>>>>>> Just to make sure I'm doing this right, I'm going to summarize what 
>>>>>> I've taken away from your answers and to ask some new questions. In 
>>>>>> order to present the results, I need two things:
>>>>>> 1) A set of histograms (with error bars) for each cluster figure to 
>>>>>> show the % signal change for each of the four contrasts of interest.
>>>>>> The cache.th20.pos.y.ocn.dat file only gives it for the condition 
>>>>>> where the cluster was significant so I can't use that.
>>>>>> So I could use mri_label2vol to convert cache.th20.neg.sig.ocn.annot 
>>>>>> from the group level analysis to generate a mask for each cluster of 
>>>>>> interest.
>>>>>> Then I could extract the value of the voxels from each 
>>>>>> subject's cespct file for each contrast, average them across the 
>>>>>> cluster ROI, then average them across each subject, to generate the 
>>>>>> histogram?
>>>>>> This would suffice to give me the %age signal change?
>>>>>> I would be doing these computations in Matlab using MRIread.
>>>>>> 2) A results table with the headings:
>>>>>> Cluster p (FWE corrected)
>>>>>> Cluster size
>>>>>> Peak Voxel p (FWE corrected)
>>>>>> Peak Voxel T
>>>>>> Peak Voxel Coords
>>>>>> BA
>>>>>> Anatomical Landmark
>>>>>> I can get the first two from 
>>>>>> the cache.th20.pos/neg.sig.cluster.summary files from the group level 
>>>>>> analysis.
>>>>>> I can get the peak voxel coordinates from the summary files as well.
>>>>>> I can use this to get the peak voxel p from the group 
>>>>>> level sig.nii.gz file.  Is this FWE corrected?  If not, how can I get 
>>>>>> this information?
>>>>>> I can use these coordinates to get the peak voxel T by getting the 
>>>>>> value from the group level F.nii.gz file and taking its square root. 
>>>>>> How can I get the sign of the T statistic?
>>>>>> I can use the Lancaster transform to convert the MNI305 peak voxel 
>>>>>> coordinates into the Atlas coordinates to look up the putative BA and 
>>>>>> landmarks (unless there is a better way with Freesurfer?  I'm seeing 
>>>>>> some references to some BA labels in the forum but it doesn't look 
>>>>>> like this is a complete set yet?).
>>>>>> Sorry for all these questions!  I got some nice results from FSFAST 
>>>>>> and would like to get them written up.
>>>>>> Cheers!
>>>>>> Joe
>>>>>> On May 29, 2013, at 10:53 PM, Douglas Greve 
>>>>>> <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:
>>>>>>> On 5/29/13 10:42 PM, Joseph Dien wrote:
>>>>>>>> On May 29, 2013, at 11:40 AM, Douglas N Greve 
>>>>>>>> <gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu <mailto:gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Joe,
>>>>>>>>> On 05/29/2013 01:00 AM, Joseph Dien wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> I need to extract the beta weights from a cluster identified with
>>>>>>>>>> FS-Fast in order to compute percentage signal change.
>>>>>>>>>> 1) I see a file called beta.nii.gz that appears to have the beta
>>>>>>>>>> weight information.  It has a four dimensional structure and the
>>>>>>>>>> fourth dimension appears to be the beta weights.  Is there an index
>>>>>>>>>> somewhere as to which beta weight is which?  Or if not, how are they
>>>>>>>>>> organized?
>>>>>>>>> For the first level analysis, the first N beta weights correspond 
>>>>>>>>> to the
>>>>>>>>> N conditions in the paradigm file. The rest are nuisance variables.
>>>>>>>> Ah, very good!  In order to compute the percent signal change 
>>>>>>>> statistic (I'm following the MarsBaR approach: 
>>>>>>>> http://marsbar.sourceforge.net/faq.html#how-is-the-percent-signal-change-calculated)
>>>>>>>> I'm also going to need the beta weights for the session mean 
>>>>>>>> regressors.  How are the nuisance regressors organized?
>>>>>>> You can just use the meanfunc.nii.gz. Also, each contrasts is 
>>>>>>> computed as the simple contrast (ces) and as a percent of the 
>>>>>>> baseline at the voxel (cespct, cesvarpct).
>>>>>>>>>> 2) In order to extract the cluster, it looks like I would
>>>>>>>>>> use mri_label2vol to convert cache.th20.neg.sig.ocn.annot into a
>>>>>>>>>> volume where the voxels are tagged with the number of the
>>>>>>>>>> corresponding cluster.
>>>>>>>>> Is that  from a group analysis?
>>>>>>>> Yes, that's right.
>>>>>>>>>> I could then use that to generate masks to extract the information I
>>>>>>>>>> need for each cluster from beta.nii.gz.
>>>>>>>>> If this is from a group analysis, then there should already be a file
>>>>>>>>> there (something.y.ocn.dat) that has a value for each subject in the
>>>>>>>>> rows and a value for each cluster in the columns.
>>>>>>>> I see it.  Are these values already scaled as percent signal 
>>>>>>>> change?  If so, that would be wonderful!  :)
>>>>>>> Only if you specified it when you ran isxconcat-sess. Note that the 
>>>>>>> "non-scaled" values are actually scaled to percent of grand mean 
>>>>>>> intensity.
>>>>>>>>>> Is that correct?
>>>>>>>>>> 3) The final information that I would need is the canonical hrf 
>>>>>>>>>> shape
>>>>>>>>>> generated by FSFAST for a single event.  I guess I could generate 
>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>> by setting up a dummy analysis run with a single event of the 
>>>>>>>>>> desired
>>>>>>>>>> duration and then look in the X variable in the resulting X.mat file?
>>>>>>>>> try this
>>>>>>>>> plot(X.runflac(1).flac.ev(2).tirf, X.runflac(1).flac.ev(2).Xirf)
>>>>>>>> Perfect!  :)
>>>>>>>>>> Sorry for all the questions!
>>>>>>>>>> Joe
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Joseph Dien,
> Senior Research Scientist
> University of Maryland 
> E-mail: jdie...@mac.com
> Phone: 301-226-8848
> Fax: 301-226-8811
> http://joedien.com//
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Joseph Dien,
Senior Research Scientist
University of Maryland 

E-mail: jdie...@mac.com
Phone: 301-226-8848
Fax: 301-226-8811

Freesurfer mailing list

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