On 04/30/2014 11:38 PM, charujing123 wrote:
> Hi FS experts and users
> I have done the each subjects' surface regestration on fsaverage 
> surface, and merge all of them into a *.mgh. Group analysis is also 
> completed.
> Now I have two questions:
> 1,I want to extract the VtxMax vertex number thickness for all 
> subjects. The VtxMax vertex number can be got in the 
> *.sig.cluster.summary file. And it represents the most significant 
> vertex in that cluster. I search my question in google and find these 
> scripts which maybe helpful:
> for i in `seq 1 $numsubject`
>        do
>          mri_convert --frame $i y.mgh 
> $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/surf/lh.$i.mgh
>          mris_convert -c $i.mgh 
> $SUBJECTS_DIR/fsaverage/surf/lh.inflated lh.$i.asc
>        done
> I got the lh.*.asc file and open it. there are five columes in this 
> file: I guess that: first colume is vertex number, the 2nd-4th columes 
> represent MNI coordinates in surface, and the 5th colume is thickness 
> of this vertex. If I want to deal with my 1st question, all I need to 
> get the lh.*.asc file and search the specific vertex number in this 
> file. All of above, is there anything wrong?
I don't think so although I've never done it myself. I would probably 
use something like

mri_segstats --i y.mgh --vox vertexno 0 0  --avgwf file.dat
This will save all of the subjects' data from vertex vertexno in file.dat

> 2, I created a surface mask, and want to extract the average thickness 
> value in this mask for every subject. How can I complete it?
mri_segstats --i lh.thickness --seg mask.mgh --id 1 --sum 
> Any reply will be highly appreaciated.
> Thanks
> All the best.
> Rujing Zha
> 2014-05-01
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> charujing123
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