
I'm trying to run an ASL analysis on my data. I have pcASL control-tag data that for the most part are getting run through the analysis without problems. However, there seems to be some difficulties with the calibration.

I'm running the command as root in csh:

oxford_asl -i $INPUT/analysis/diffdata -o $INPUT/analysis/KMI_data --tis 3.6 --bolus 1.8 --bat 1.8 --casl \
                     --t1b 1.6 --alpha 0.98 --artoff --fixbolus \
                     --infert1  -s $ANATFOLDER/anat_roi_brain --report \
                     --regfrom $INPUT/PCASLmean_brain --spatial \
                     -c $INPUT/M0.nii.gz --tr 12

the error is such:

Number of voxels is:81920
Number of repeats in data is:70
Outputting ASL data mean at each TI
OXFORD_ASL - running
Creating output directory
Saving results in natve (ASL aquisition) space to ASL/analysis/KMI_data/native_space
Saving results in structural space to ASL/analysis/KMI_data/struct_space
Creating mask
Performing registration
Input file is: /ASL/PCASLmean_brain
Running FLIRT
Tidying up
ASL_REG - Done.
Segmenting the structural image
Calculating M0a - calling ASL_CALIB
Tissue reference is: csf
*Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image /tmp/fsl_SsEGkZ_asl_calib/seg_bias* *libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type RBD_COMMON::BaseException* */usr/local/fsl/bin/asl_calib: line 568: 58142 Abort trap: 6 ${FSLDIR}/bin/applywarp --ref=$calib --in=$temp_calib/seg_bias --out=$temp_calib/biasfield --premat=$temp_calib/high2low.mat --super --interp=spline --superlevel=4*
*Cannot open volume /tmp/fsl_SsEGkZ_asl_calib/biasfield for reading!*
*Image Exception : #22 :: ERROR: Could not open image /tmp/fsl_SsEGkZ_asl_calib/sens* *libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type RBD_COMMON::BaseException* */usr/local/fsl/bin/asl_calib: line 689: 58150 Abort trap: 6 fslmaths $temp_calib/calib -div $temp_calib/sens $temp_calib/calib*
ASL_calib - DONE.

Best regards,
Athanasia Mowinckel
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