On 02/26/2015 01:46 PM, Janosch Linkersdörfer wrote:
> Hi all,
> I experimented with the different flags for mri_surfcluster and have 2 issues 
> that I don't understand, it would be great if somebody could enlighten me:
> 1) When I set --thmin (or --fdr) with --thsign abs, I get what I would 
> expect, i.e., only clusters with a minimum vertex-wise p-value > thmin are 
> shown. When I use 'neg' or 'pos', I get clusters with a minimum value below 
> thmin. Why is that?
By default, the threshold
will be adjusted when the --sign is pos or neg by subtracting log10(2.0).
This assumes several things: (1) the source is a -log10(p) map, and (2)
the pvalue was computed using a two-sided t-test. Under these conditions,
subtracting log10(2.0) is like dividing the p-value by 2 (ie, changing it
from a two-tailed test to a one-tailed test). If the input map does not
meet these criteria, then run with --no-adjust.

> 2) The FDR correction seems to be very lenient. Using --fdr .05, for example, 
> I get a thmin of 1.158247. That is probably not correct, right?
It all depends on the data. If you have a lot of activation, it can be 
very lenient.
> The command I use looks somewhat like:
> mri_surfcluster --sd /my/subj/dir --in sig.mgh --subject fsa
> verage(_DKT) --hemi lh --annot aparcDKT40 --sum summary.txt --clabel 
> /path/to/label/lh.cortex.label [--fdr .05 | --thmin 3] --thsign [pos | neg | 
> abs]
> Thanks,
> Janosch
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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