Hi Doug and Freesurfers,

I ran mri_surfcluster to generate coordinates for cluster maxima from a
functional surface analysis. The summary text file generated by
mri_surfcluster lists a bunch of information about the clusters, including
talairach coordinates for each cluster peak (see example below). I
visualized these max vertices in tksurfer by entering the "VtxMax" given
in the summary file into the "Vertex Index" field in the tksurfer tools
window. I'm noticing, however, that the talairach coordinates given in the
tksurfer tools window ("Vertex Talairach") after entering the vertex index
are not the same as the coordinates listed in the summary file. Seems the
coordinates are off by .5 - 1 millimeter or so, which I know is not much,
but I'm curious if anyone knows the reason for this discrepancy?
Additionally, if we want to use the peaks for seeds in a functional
connectivity analysis which set of coordinates is more accurate?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated!


Ex. Summary text file:
# ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  TalX   TalY   TalZ    NVtxs
   1       33.019  124877   1219.98     30.7   21.1   -1.4  2841
   2       27.538  116676   1406.49      7.6   23.7   38.1  2923
   3       25.380  109387   3977.58     41.9   31.2   26.7  7023
   4       24.404   86863   3241.21     31.5  -60.2   39.0  7288
   5      -20.441  104109   1903.13      5.5   20.5   -7.4  3923
   6       18.118  141781    600.75      5.5  -23.0   26.4  1553

Cluster 1 Vertex Talairach coordinates from tksurfer tools: (29.88  20.79 

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