Hello Edgar,

I am going to be looking at your case and seeing if I can replicate the error. I have your .nii file and will run it through our processing stream here, but could you send me your subject folder so that I can look through your files/logs to give me some more information?

You can upload the subject folder through filedrop2.0 which is a bit easier to use, as long as your folder is under 2GB!

Thank you,
Ani Varjabedian

On 04/02/2015 11:23 AM, Edgar Busovaca wrote:
Hello Bruce,

I just wanted to touch base regarding the "Indices_oob.nii" subject I had sent to MGH. Were you by any chance able to detect the issue with running recon-all on this subject. Thanks in advance for taking a look at this.

Best regards,
Edgar Busovaca

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