Hi all,

We have recently installed the FreeSurfer suggested morphometry sequences on 
our Siemens Verio 3T. Specifically, the multiecho MPRAGE (MEMPRAGE), and 
multiecho FLASH (MEFLASH). Our goal is to get the best FreeSurfer 
reconstruction results possible for use with fMRI surface analyses, diffusion 
imaging, and other purposes. For the current project, scan time is not at a 
premium since we have 60-90min budgeted for anatomical and diffusion weighted 
scans. We’re just looking for the best results.  

However, after looking through the wiki and email archives, I’m having a hard 
time figuring out what the most up to date recommendations are for what 
sequences to use and how to use them with recon-all. 

Some specific questions:

1) The original 2009 "Suggested Morphometry Protocols” document, the MEFLASH 
seems to be recommended as the best sequence to use for whole-brain 
segmentation. But other more recent posts to the email list suggest using 
MEMPRAGE as the default protocol. We also have a very nice T2-SPACE protocol 
we’ve been running. What is the current recommendation?

2) Is the procedure for using MEMPRAGE with recon-all to just input the RMS 
scan and not the 4 different echos? 

3) Is it possible to use the MEFLASH scans with recon-all? If so, how are they 
input and is processing of the two different echo time scans required before 
running recon-all? The wiki entry on MEF is from 2008, so I’m not sure what’s 
happened since then.

4) What is the current recommendation on using the -3T and -mprage flags with 

5) Since we are scanning on a Siemens Verio instead of the TIM Trio scanners I 
believe the sequences were developed on, we have had to modify some protocol 
parameters. If anyone has been successfully scanning MEFLASH and/or MEMPRAGE on 
a Verio or possibly Skyra and has good parameters to use that would be great. 
Our test scans look good, but there is always room for improvement.

6) Finally, is 1mm isovoxel still recommended? Or should we try to push the 
resolution below 1mm? 

Thanks so much in advance for any advice!

best regards,


John Pyles, Ph.D.
Research Scientist
Center for the Neural Basis of Cognition
Department of Psychology
Carnegie Mellon University
email: jpy...@cmu.edu
phone: 206.552.0107

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