Dear FreeSurfer experts,

I have finished processing a group of brains MR images collected at 7T
scanner using freesurfer 5.3.0 (Ubuntu 64 bits machine).

However, we need to get the cortical parcellation based on functional
network connectivity. So I have downloaded the Atlas data
(Yeo_JNeurophysiol11_FreeSurfer) to use it for the parcellation but I have
few questions which I hope you will be able to help me on.

1- Do I need to repeat the "recon-all" process?
2- If yes, how can I change the default Atlas that freesurfer uses?
3- If no, what can I do to get the cortical parcellation based on
finctional networks from our processed data?
4- At the end, shall I use the usual commands to extract the volumes,
thicknesses ...etc?

Many thanks for your help in advance.



*Ali M. Al-Radaideh. PhDHead of Department of Medical ImagingVice Dean of
the Faculty of Allied Health SciencesThe Hashemite University, Zarqa, +962 5 3903333 ext.5422, 5355, 5364Email: <>*
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