>The output figure is attached. In the colorbar of the figure, left
represents cluster corrected p value and right one represents the vertex
>corrected p value, right?

>So, the warm color region in the figure can be survived by the RFT vertex
correction, and the cool color region in the figure can be >survived by the
RFT cluster correction, right?
Right. RFT vertex correction is not a correct definition, it is a RFT
correction based on the maximum peak in contrast with the larger cluster
extent approach.

>If so, the regions with either warm or cool color region that can be
survived after correction. When I report the results, I can report the
>regions with warm color (vertex level correction) or report the regions
with cool color (cluster level correction), right?
Both thresholdings can be reported but I prefer peak thresholds (warm
colors) due to the lack of spatial specificity with clustering thresholds.

>In addtion, how can I understand the region overlapped by the warm and
cool color (like he postier cingulate cortex), can >simultaneously pass
double correction of vertex level and cluster level?
It is not a double corrections. The figure simply shows two different RFT
thresholding approaches.

The final question is about the RFT cluster correction method, in the SPM
or other software (like REST). Generally, on the cluster level correction,
you should be based on a voxel (vertex) uncorrected height threshold of
e.g. p<0.001 combined with a RFT-correlated cluster threshould of e.g.,
p<0.05, right? What is the detailed correction procedure in the Surfstat
Exactly the same, p=0.001 for defining supra-threshold clusters and p=0.05
for RFT correction.

Regards, Felix.

Best Regards,
Donald McLaren, PhD

On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 9:36 AM, chenhf_uestc <chenhf_ue...@163.com> wrote:

> Dear Surfstat Users,
> I have a question about the RFT correction method in the Surfstat(
> http://www.math.mcgill.ca/keith/surfstat/).
> In the online manual, the command to perform RFT correction is as follows:
> [ pval, peak, clus ] = SurfStatP( slm, mask );
> pval.P contains P-values for peaks, and pval.C contains P-values for
> clusters. This special structure is recognised by SurfStatView which draws
> the figure in a special way:
> SurfStatView( pval, avsurf, 'Males-females removing age' );
> The output figure is attached. In the colorbar of the figure, left
> represents cluster corrected p value and right one represents the vertex
> corrected p value, right? So, the warm color region in the figure can be
> survived by the RFT vertex correction, and the cool color region in the
> figure can be survived by the RFT cluster correction, right? If so, the
> regions with either warm or cool color region that can be survived after
> correction. When I report the results, I can report the regions with warm
> color (vertex level correction) or report the regions with cool color
> (cluster level correction), right?
> In addtion, how can I understand the region overlapped by the warm and
> cool color (like he postier cingulate cortex), can simultaneously pass
> double correction of vertex level and cluster level?
> The final question is about the RFT cluster correction method, in the SPM
> or other software (like REST). Generally, on the cluster level correction,
> you should be based on a voxel (vertex) uncorrected height threshold of
> e.g. p<0.001 combined with a RFT-correlated cluster threshould of e.g.,
> p<0.05, right? What is the detailed correction procedure in the Surfstat
> software?
> Any help would be greatly appreciate.
> Best,
> Feng
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