Dear Freesurfer Experts,

I am having trouble with selxavg3-sess and was wondering if you could maybe 
help me resolving the issue (error log attached)

I ran

#preproc-sess –s Sess01 –surface fsaverage lhrh –mni305 –fwhm 5 –per-run

and the following commands for lh, rh and mni305

#mkanalysis-sess –fsd bold –stc up -surface fsaverage lh -fwhm 5 -event-related 
 -paradigm oddeven.par -nconditions 3   -spmhrf 0 -TR 2 -refeventdur 10.750 
-nskip 4 –mcextreg -polyfit 2  -analysis oddeven.sm5.lh

#mkcontrast-sess –analysis oddeven.sm5.lh –contrast face-vs-object –a 1 –c 2 –c 

#mkcontrast-sess –analysis oddeven.sm5.lh –contrast face-vs-fix  –a 1 –c 0

Thank you very much.


Attachment: doug.log
Description: doug.log

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