
I am trying to run a retinotopy analysis in fsfast, using only polar angle.
However, when I try to run it, I am getting the error "Input to SVD must
not contain NaN or Inf." I have traced this error and it looks like the
design matrix X has 12 regressors (the first 12) that consist solely of
zeros. I am using the following commands:

mkanalysis-sess -analysis retinotopy -fsd bold -runlistfile runlist.txt

-native -funcstem fmc -nuisreg mcextreg 3

-retinotopy 36.4 -per-session -paradigm retino.par -inorm

-spmhrf 0 -TR .650 -polyfit 2 -nskip 19

selxavg3-sess -analysis retinotopy -sf sublist.txt -df sessdir

Any idea what the first 12 regressors in the design matrix might correspond
to in retinotopy analyses and why they'd be empty? I have looked at the
documentation and there doesn't seem to be a clear labeling of the
retinotopy design matrix anywhere, although perhaps I'm missing something.

Thank you very much,

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