Hi Taha - Once you've mapped from the volume onto the white surface, you should be able to display it on the inflated surface, and also to get thickness statistics (thickness is just the distance between corresponding points on the white and pial surface). You don't need to do anything to map from white to inflated within an individual.


On Fri, 19 Aug 2016, Taha Abdullah wrote:

Excellent! Thank you for the quick advice, I tried this initially but I was
using the wrong xfm format.
Since I have the FA map in subject ?h.white space, I have done the same with the
tract endings too. I am having some difficulties conceptually, in terms of
projecting the end points onto either the subject specfic or fsaverage inflated
surface. I assumed using mri_surf2surf would be sufficient to transform the
endpts from subject surface ?h.white space to the inflated surface, but it is a
scalar data file. Once the endpts are projected onto the inflated surface it
seems straightforward to extract the thickness values for further analysis.
Essentially replicating the attached image from Sølsnesa 2015.  If you have any
suggestions that would be much appreciated. Thank you very much!


On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 9:49 AM, Anastasia Yendiki
<ayend...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> wrote:

      Hi Taha - Trying getting a .dat registration file from bbregister
      and using that as the input to mri_vol2surf. There's a multimodal
      tutorial on the freesurfer wiki that might be of help.


      On Thu, 18 Aug 2016, Taha Abdullah wrote:

            Hello All,

            I am trying to project FA map (dtifit_FA.nii.gz) and the
            endpt[1/2].pd.nii.gz from TRACULA onto fsaverage surface
            I was following instructions on
            under FreeSurfer
            Registration, to create the various xfms files. 

            Next, I registered the FA map to subject conformed space
            using flirt 
             *  flirt -in dtifit_FA.nii.gz -ref
            ../../mri/orig.nii.gz -applyxfm -init
            ./xfms_taha/fa2freesurfer.mat -out fa2FS.nii.gz
            Then, I used mri_vol2surf to project the registered FA
            map onto fsaverage surface with the following command. 
             *  mri_vol2surf --mov fa2FS.nii.gz --projdist-max 6 6 1
            --cortex --hemi rh --trgsubject fsaverage --regheader
                --reg ./xfms_taha/fa2freesurfer.mat --o
            Upon viewing in freeview the fsavg rh.white surface and
            fa2FS.nii.gz (FA map in FreeSurfer space) did not allign
            properly. I have tried some variations wtihout any luck.
            I used the following command line for freeview.  
             *  freeview 
            gh -v fa2FS.nii.gz
             *  Attached are some pics of the FA confomred map and
            fsaverage.rh.white surface
            Do I need a xfm file for taliarch allignment? Any advice
            or insight would be greatly appreciated.

            Thanks in advance,

            Terminal output: from mri_vol2surf
            srcvol = fa2FS.nii.gz
            srcreg = ./xfms_taha/fa2freesurfer.mat
            srcregold = 0
            srcwarp unspecified
            surf = white
            hemi = rh
            trgsubject = fsaverage
            surfreg = sphere.reg
            ProjDist = 0.5
            reshape = 0
            interp = nearest
            float2int = round
            GetProjMax = 1
            INFO: float2int code = 0
            Done loading volume
            Computing registration from header.
            as target reference.
            Loading label
            Reading surface
            Done reading source surface
            Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface
             1 6 6 6
            using old
            Done mapping volume to surface
            Number of source voxels hit = 81606
            Reading source surface registration 
            Done loading source registration surface
            Reading target registration 
            Done loading target registration surface
            Mapping Surfaces (taha_brain -> fsaverage)
            surf2surf_nnfr: building source hash (res=16).
            Surf2Surf: Forward Loop (163842)

            surf2surf_nnfr: building target hash (res=16).
            Surf2Surf: Reverse Loop (143161)
            Reverse Loop had 26084 hits
            Surf2Surf: Dividing by number of hits (163842)
            INFO: nSrcLost = 0
            Done mapping surfaces
            nSrc121 = 107182, nSrcLost =     0, nSrcMulti = 35979,
            MnSrcMultiHits = 2.29979
            nTrg121 = 142955, nTrgMulti = 20887, MnTrgMultiHits =
            Masking with
            Writing to FA_2fsavg_surf.mgh
            Dim: 163842 1 1

            Taha Abdullah 
            Department of Physiology
            Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine 
            Masters of Science Physiology and Biophysics, Georgetown
            University 2015
            Work: (312)-503-0413

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Taha Abdullah 
Department of Physiology
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine 
Masters of Science Physiology and Biophysics, Georgetown University 2015
Work: (312)-503-0413

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