Hi Chris,

Why not focus on distributing GIFTI files that are viewable both by
FreeSurfer and many other applications instead of FreeSurfer¹s native
format?  For the same reason that it is helpful to provide NIFTI files
because of their strong, cross-platform adoption, it would be more helpful
to provide GIFTI files in your database so that a wider range of users could
use them without converting them.  You could probably automatically convert
FreeSurfer¹s native formats to GIFTI with FreeSurfer¹s utility mris_convert
on upload if you didn¹t want your uploading users to have to do the

Generally inflated surfaces are easiest for viewing patterns, but it is
often helpful to include anatomical surfaces as well.



From:  <freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> on behalf of Chris Filo
Gorgolewski <chris.gorgolew...@gmail.com>
Reply-To:  Freesurfer support list <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Date:  Saturday, August 20, 2016 at 12:21 PM
To:  freesurfer <freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Subject:  [Freesurfer] Support for surface data on NeuroVault.org

Dear FreeSurfer community,
I am one of the developers of NeuroVault.org <http://NeuroVault.org>  - an
open repository for vizualizing, analyzing, and sharing of statistical and
parcellation maps of the human brain. So far NeuroVault was limited only to
volumetric data in the MNI space since this is the most common way of
reporting MRI results. Now I would like to start working on adding support
for surface data beginning with outputs of FreeSurfer. Since I'm not a
FreeSurfer expert I would like to ask the community a few questions:

1. In NeuroVault users are asked to upload their statistical maps in form of
files. I'm planning to target outputs of mri_glmfit: preferably Z.mgh but
also sig.mgh. Is this the most sensible thing to do?

2. I want to be able to tell if a given map is in fsaverage space. Is there
any place in the .mgh header that specifies which space the map is in?

3. fsaverage has different subsampling flavours - how often are they used?
Is support for them an important feature?

4. Results come in two files - one per each hemisphere. Is there any way
(from the headers) to check if two files provided by a user match?

5. As with the volumetric data I want to provide a 3D interactive viewer. I
had some initial success with Brain Browser. Are you aware of any other
javascript based viewers that work well with FreeSurfer data?

6. Which surface should be the default view: inflated, pial, or white?

7. Finally NeuroVault gives users ability to compare maps and even search
through the whole repository to find statistical maps with similar patterns.
This is currently implemented for volumetric data, but could be extended to
surface data. The problem arises when one wants to compare MNI volumetric
data with fsaverage surface data. So far I have been using mri_vol2surf with
target subject being fsaverage (with a supplied affine correction matrix),
but this solution is far from optimal since fsaverage folding patterns are
quite different from MNI. I was thinking that maybe a more accurate way of
dealing with this would be to reconstruct MNI152 cortical surface model, do
surface registration of it to fsaverage, and use that to sample statistical
maps in MNI space. What do you think?

Thank you for any help feedback you can provide!

Chris Gorgolewski
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