Hi all,

I've run GLM surface analysis and I've got a summary table like this:

# Cluster Growing Summary (mri_surfcluster)

# $Id: mri_surfcluster.c,v 2011/03/28 15:32:36 greve Exp $

# $Id: mrisurf.c,v 1.693.2.2 2011/04/27 19:21:05 nicks Exp $

# CreationTime 2016/09/12-08:47:18-GMT

# cmdline mri_surfcluster --in lh.Compr.glmdir/SZSI-SZNO/sig.mgh --csd
cortex/fwhm15/pos/th40/mc-z.csd --mask lh.Compr.glmdir/mask.mgh --cwsig
lh.Compr.glmdir/SZSI-SZNO/cache.th40.pos.sig.cluster.mgh --vwsig
lh.Compr.glmdir/SZSI-SZNO/cache.th40.pos.sig.voxel.mgh --sum
lh.Compr.glmdir/SZSI-SZNO/cache.th40.pos.sig.cluster.summary --ocn
lh.Compr.glmdir/SZSI-SZNO/cache.th40.pos.sig.ocn.mgh --oannot
lh.Compr.glmdir/SZSI-SZNO/cache.th40.pos.sig.ocn.annot --annot aparc
--csdpdf lh.Compr.glmdir/SZSI-SZNO/cache.th40.pos.pdf.dat --cwpvalthresh
0.05 --o lh.Compr.glmdir/SZSI-SZNO/cache.th40.pos.sig.masked.mgh
--no-fixmni --bonferroni 2 --surf white

# cwd /media/TREKSTOR/SUBJ/CI_Compr_Contrasts

# sysname  Linux

# hostname Piras-TC2

# machine  x86_64

# FixVertexAreaFlag 1

# FixSurfClusterArea 1


# Input      lh.Compr.glmdir/SZSI-SZNO/sig.mgh

# Frame Number      0

# srcsubj fsaverage

# hemi lh

# surface white

# annot aparc


# SearchSpace_mm2 65416.6

# SearchSpace_vtx 149953

# Bonferroni 2

# Minimum Threshold 4

# Maximum Threshold infinity

# Threshold Sign    pos

# AdjustThreshWhenOneTail 1

# CW PValue Threshold: 0.05

# Area Threshold    0 mm^2

# CSD thresh  4.000000

# CSD nreps    10000

# CSD simtype  null-z

# CSD contrast NA

# CSD confint  90.000000

# Overall max 1e+10 at vertex 3

# Overall min 0 at vertex 8

# NClusters          1

# Total Cortical Surface Area 65416.6 (mm^2)

# FixMNI = 0


# ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  MNIX   MNIY   MNIZ    CWP    CWPLow
   CWPHi   NVtxs   Annot

   1     10000000000.000       3  76467.08    -22.1   41.5   24.1  0.00020
 0.00000  0.00040  149953  rostralmiddlefrontal

Is it possible to have a Cluster Size (76467.08 mm2) greater than the Total
Cortical Surface (65416.6  mm2).

Are there some errors in this?

Thanks a lot to all of you.



Dott.ssa Claudia Dacquino, Specialista in Neuropsicologia

Laboratorio di Neuropsichiatria

Dipartimento di Neurologia Clinica e Comportamentale

IRCCS Fondazione Santa Lucia

via Ardeatina 306 - 00179 Roma

Tel. +39 (0)6 51501358

Fax +39 (0)6 51501575

web: http://www.neuropsichiatrialab.com
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