Hey Doug,

Sorry for keep bothering, today I was trying to do what you told me yesterday, 
but some doubts arose. I ran QDEC using DODS to see if there were any 
interactions (significant regions) between age (age variable was not demeaned) 
and group. I didn’t found anything, no significant regions survived monte 
carlo. If that came to happen, you suggested me to use DOSS instead, but… 
because of the characteristics of the disease I’m studying, the slopes 
shouldn’t be similar between patients and controls. My questions are:

1) Can I proceed using DOSS anyway?

2) What if DOSS give me some clusters after running monte carlo? Which is the 
case since I’ve already ran mri_glmfit and obtained three clusters. What should 
I do now? Should I re-run DODS with age-variable demeaned?

3) Since most of my subjects are women (around 80%) and my sample is small (18 
patients, 18 controls), does it have an advantage to remove the males to be 
able to get rid of the gender variable that I’m also regressing out? In order 
to have just two classes (patient and control) instead of four (malecontrol, 
malepatient,….) , or it is better to continue as I’ve been doing, controlling 
for the effect of gender.

Thanks for your help!


De: freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu 
<freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu> en nombre de Douglas Greve 
Enviado: martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016 08:31:20 p. m.
Para: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Asunto: Re: [Freesurfer] Demeaning variables

On 11/29/16 8:52 PM, Rodrigo Gonzalez Huerta wrote:
It makes sense to me, I only have two more questions,

  1.  When you say “see if there are any places where there is an interaction 
between age and group”, do you mean finding significant statistical regions, 
right? And this would be before or after using monte carlo?

After. Even if you have some sig areas, they won't matter if they do not 
overlap with sig areas in DOSS

  2.  What about using the median or other value instead of the mean since most 
of my subjects are in the range from 20 to 35 years old and only a few in the 
range from 35 to 55 years old. Would this make sense to you?

It has nothing to do with using the mean or median. The problem is that the 
differences in the means of the groups is not a valid concept when the age 
slopes are different

Thanks in advance

 en nombre de Douglas Greve 
Enviado: martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016 07:33:47 p. m.
Para: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Asunto: Re: [Freesurfer] Demeaning variables

It comes down to the contrast you care about. If you want to look at the 
difference in mean thickness between the groups regressing out the effect of 
age, then demeaning can make a big difference. If this is what you want, then 
you need to do the analysis in two stages. First run with DODS and see if there 
are any places where there is an interaction between age and group; demeaning 
is unimportant for this contrast. If there is not a difference, then reanalyze 
using DOSS (in which case demeaning is also unimportant). You cannot do DOSS in 

On 11/29/16 6:23 PM, Rodrigo Gonzalez Huerta wrote:

 Hi Doug,

I mean that when I run QDEC selecting gender and diagnosis as fixed factors, 
age as nuisance factor, and display the results, I obtain totally different 
significant statistical regions (different statistical maps) when ages are 
demeaned ((demeaned age = age of each subject – the mean of all subjects 
(grandmean)) than the case when ages aren't demeaned. Therefore, when I run the 
monte carlo simulation, when I demean the age variable I don’t get any 
clusters, but when age is not demeaned I obtain some clusters of considerable 
size. The contrast I used in mri_glmfit is:

0.5 -0.5 0.5 -0.5 0 0 0 0 ("is there a difference between patient and control 
regressing out the effects of gender and age?")

In QDEC it seems to correspond to the output 'Does the average thickness 
accounting for gender differ between patient and control? (age as nuisance 
variable)’ because the statistical maps look the same.

>From what I understand, this difference in the results when age variable is 
>demeaned is something I should expect when doing a DODS analysis. My main 
>doubt would be if it was necessary to demean the age variable and enter it as 
>a nuisance factor based on the characteristics of my population and the 
>analysis I want to perform. I tried to focus my questions in that direction. 
>I’m very sorry if I am not giving myself to understand. Thanks!


 en nombre de Douglas N Greve 
Enviado: martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016 03:22:15 p. m.
Para: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
Asunto: Re: [Freesurfer] Demeaning variables

When you say that the results are different, what do you mean? What is
your contrast? What is your command line? What is your fsgd file?

On 11/29/2016 03:34 PM, Rodrigo Gonzalez Huerta wrote:
> Just to clarify, where is said N=18 I wanted to meant 18 controls + 18
> patients. Thanks in advance.
> Rodrigo
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *De:* 
> freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
> <freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu><mailto:freesurfer-boun...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
>  en nombre de Rodrigo Gonzalez
> Huerta <rghbecker2...@hotmail.com><mailto:rghbecker2...@hotmail.com>
> *Enviado:* martes, 29 de noviembre de 2016 02:19:26 p. m.
> *Para:* freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu<mailto:freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu>
> *Asunto:* [Freesurfer] Demeaning variables
> Hi Freesurfers,
> For obtaining my undergraduate degree I’m performing a study using
> Freesurfer. I’m stuck with the centering (de-meaning) issue. I have
> two discrete variables, gender, and patient-control, and a continuous
> variable which is age. The age population range goes from 20 to 55
> years and is paired between patients and controls. Patient’s disease
> affects cortical thickness over time and every patient has been
> presenting the disease for 6 years (no more, no less). I’ve runned
> QDEC and mri_glmfit using DODS obtaining the same results, the problem
> is that when I demean the age (I used the grandmean) the results are
> very differente. If I don’t demean some clusters survive the
> monte-carlo multiple comparisons correction (p<0.05), but, when I
> demean no cluster survive. I have this questions:
>  1. Since most of my subjects are in the range of 20-35 years and only
>     a few have more than 35 years, it is correct to use the mean?
>     Wouldn’t be better to use the median or some other value?
>  2. This is maybe a silly question, but why should I care about the
>     intercept? I know that demeaning doesn’t change the slope, just
>     the intercept, but I don’t understand why I should care, I read in
>     some publications that demeaning is not always necessary.
> Other questions:
>  1. Most of my subjects are women (around 80%, N=18), Does it have an
>     advantage to remove the males to get rid of the gender variable?,
>     or should I continue as I’ve been doing, controlling for the
>     effect of gender.
>  2. Since I don’t know if this disease is more aggressive when is
>     developed at some stage of life, I mean, if young patients are
>     less affected than older patients after six years of presenting
>     it, it is correct to control the effect of age? (Entering the
>     variable as a nuisance factor), or should I search for an
>     interaction between age and the condition variable? I only care
>     about differences in cortical thickness.
> Any suggestion is very welcome, thanks in advance for your answer.
> Rodrigo
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422

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