Hi Freesurfer list,

I have a statistical map (.nii format) produced from analysis performed in 
BrainVoyager that I'd like to register with the anatomical model produced with 
Freesurfer's recon-all, this is on a single-subject basis from the same raw 
data. I have several questions with respect to this (hopefully possible) 

  1.  I've noticed that using mri_info (and loading into freeview on top of 
orig.mgz) that the coordinate spaces do not match, does freesurfer have a 
process to align the statistical map to orig.mgz?
  2.  Currently, loading in the .nii image is interpreted as an anatomical 
image, is there any way I can indicate to freesurfer that it is a functional 
map such that I can work with thresholding?
  3.  When aligned with the orig.mgz anatomical image, is there a process that 
will allow me to project it onto the segmented model? Specifically, I'd like to 
extract plial surface coordinates associated with the regions of BOLD 

Jerry Jeyachandra

Freesurfer mailing list

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