Hi FreeSurfer Team,

I was hoping I might be able to get some information about TalAviQA. I have 
read that this number is a spatial correlation between the input image and the 
image transformed to the Talairach atlas. Is that correct? Can you tell me any 
more about how this correlation is calculated?

I hope this isn't a silly question, but besides the Euler numbers and the 
mris_jacobian command, are there any other quantitative metrics of how much 
warping was necessary for a particular subject's recon-all? Also, are there 
multiple ways to run mris_jacobian such that you can get information beyond 
lh/rh.white.preaparc? Might you be able to offer any hints as to other files to 
feed the mris_jacobian command besides 'mris_jacobian 
../surf/l(r)h.white.preaparc ../surf/l(r)h.sphere.reg 

Finally, is there a complete set of documentation somewhere for the QA Tools 
package of scripts? Are these scripts up to date and compatible with Freesurfer 
6? https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/QATools suggests that v1.1 came 
out in 2012 and the current release for download is v1.2...

Thanks for your time, thanks for your efforts creating and maintaining 

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