Hi, I took a look at this and saw that the error comes from the "getmatlab"
script ($FREESURFER_HOME/fsfast/bin/getmatlab). It is a CSH script, which I
thought might be the issue.

Specifically, the script checks for the existence of matlab by

set MATLAB = `which matlab`;

On Dr. J's system, this was problematic due to "matlab" being aliased, so
calling "getmatlab" directly exited with the error. Hard-coding the path
for matlab in the "getmatlab" script is a (non-portable) solution.

However, I am not sure why it would throw an error, in any case. I tried it
on my system and it returned the correct location of matlab. I am running
CentOS 7.3 and using Freesurfer v5.3
(x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-stable5-20130513). The version of "getmatlab" is
Revision 1.2


On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 12:27 PM, Alan Francis <alandarkene...@gmail.com>

> Hi Jennifer -
> Ostensibly your pathways and environment variables look correct. I ran
> into this problem once before, so I changed from BASH to the enhanced C
> shell and it worked. You may want to try that. All you need to do is to
> exit out of bash and set the environment in tcsh and it could work.
> best,
> Alan
> On Thu, Aug 10, 2017 at 4:56 PM, Juranek, Jenifer <
> jenifer.jura...@uth.tmc.edu> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Hope someone can identify my user error...I've listed below key bits of
>> info (system info, cmdline and error message, echo $PATH, cat .bashrc, cat
>> startup.m).
>> Really appreciate someone taking a look and walking me through a solution
>> to my error?
>> Many Thanks!
>> Jenifer
>> 1) Running Freesurfer_v6 on RHEL Centos7.3
>> and matlab 2016b (with imaging processing toolbox)
>> 2) recon-all -s <FSID> -localGI
>> returns the following:
>> #@# Local Gyrification Index lh Thu Aug 10 15:39:03 CDT 2017
>>  mris_compute_lgi --i lh.pial
>> ERROR: Matlab is required to run mris_compute_lgi!
>> Linux localhost.localdomain 3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Oct 19
>> 11:24:13 EDT 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>> 3) matlab is in my path
>> [jjuranek@localhost subjects]$ echo $PATH
>> /home/jjuranek/freesurfer/bin:/home/jjuranek/freesurfer/fsfa
>> st/bin:/home/jjuranek/freesurfer/tktools:/home/jjuranek/fsl/
>> bin:/home/jjuranek/freesurfer/mni/bin:/home/jjuranek/fsl/
>> bin:/home/jjuranek/freesurfer/bin:/home/jjuranek/freesurfer/
>> fsfast/bin:/home/jjuranek/freesurfer/tktools:/home/
>> jjuranek/freesurfer/mni/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:
>> /usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/home/jjuranek/.local/bin:/
>> home/jjuranek/bin:/home/jjuranek/matlab/R2016b/bin/matlab
>> 4) my .bashrc file is as follows
>> # .bashrc
>> # Source global definitions
>> if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
>>     . /etc/bashrc
>> fi
>> # User specific aliases and functions
>> export FREESURFER_HOME=/home/jjuranek/freesurfer
>> source $FREESURFER_HOME/SetUpFreeSurfer.sh
>> matlab=/home/jjuranek/matlab/R2016b/bin/matlab
>> alias matlab=$matlab
>> export PATH=$PATH:/home/jjuranek/matlab/R2016b/bin/matlab
>> #/home/jjuranek/matlab/R2016b/bin/matlab
>> #MATLAB is selecting SOFTWARE OPENGL rendering.
>> 5) my startup.m file is as follows
>> %------------ FreeSurfer -----------------------------%
>> fshome = getenv('FREESURFER_HOME');
>> fsmatlab = sprintf('%s/matlab',fshome);
>> if (exist(fsmatlab) == 7)
>>     addpath(genpath(fsmatlab));
>> end
>> clear fshome fsmatlab;
>> %-----------------------------------------------------%
>> %------------ FreeSurfer FAST ------------------------%
>> fsfasthome = getenv('FSFAST_HOME');
>> fsfasttoolbox = sprintf('%s/toolbox',fsfasthome);
>> if (exist(fsfasttoolbox) == 7)
>>     path(path,fsfasttoolbox);
>> end
>> clear fsfasthome fsfasttoolbox;
>> %-----------------------------------------------------%
>> %------------ FreeSurfer LGI ------------------------%
>> FSH = getenv('FREESURFER_HOME');
>> fshmatlab = sprintf('%s/matlab',FSH);
>> path(path,fshmatlab);
>> clear fshmatlab FSH;
>> _______________________________________________
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> --
> |~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|
> *Alan N. Francis PhD*
> Instructor - Imaging Neuroscience
> Brain Imaging Center
> McLean Hospital
> Harvard Medical School
> 115 Mill Street, Belmont, MA 02478
> al...@bwh.harvard.edu <ezra_wegbr...@brown.edu>
> afran...@mclean.harvard.edu
> |~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|~|
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