Dear Freesurfer-Team,

I am trying to study volume based neuronal activities via a Spatio Temporal Clustering Test. Therefore I need to morph my subjects to an average subject. I couldn't find a non-linear morphing command to perform this. Is there any function and can I extract to resulting morphing map that was used to morph the subjects ? Something like the /'hemisphere'.sphere.reg/ files, which are automatically created by the 'recon-all' function. Additionally is it possible to extract the volume neighboring connection from a /'hemisphere'.volume/ file ?

For further information: I am going to use mne-python to perform the Spatio-Temporal-Clustering. They are extracting the vertice connections via a function ( /_get_subject_sphere_tris(subject_from, subjects_dir)/ ) from the /'hemisphere'.sphere.reg/ files. Can I also do this for volume data files created by FreeSurfer.

Looking forward to your reply. I am glad to any kind of corporation, I really want this study to work, since the results will be very interesting.

Yours sincerely,

    Daniel van de Velden

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