I forgot to send the cluster summary sheet. Here is it.

# Input      lh.stroke.fsgd.glmdir/contrast/sig.mgh

# Frame Number      0

# srcsubj fsaverage

# hemi lh

# surface white

# annot aparc

# SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/CT/Documents/stroke

# SearchSpace_mm2 65416.6

# SearchSpace_vtx 149953

# Bonferroni 0

# Minimum Threshold 2

# Maximum Threshold infinity

# Threshold Sign    abs

# AdjustThreshWhenOneTail 1

# Area Threshold    0 mm^2

# CSD thresh  2.000000

# CSD nreps    5000

# CSD simtype  mc-z

# CSD contrast contrast

# CSD confint  90.000000

# Overall max 2.26504 at vertex 146861

# Overall min -2.73325 at vertex 144073

# NClusters          13

# Total Cortical Surface Area 65416.6 (mm^2)

# FixMNI = 0


# ClusterNo  Max   VtxMax   Size(mm^2)  MNIX   MNIY   MNIZ    CWP    CWPLow
  CWPHi   NVtxs   Annot

   1       -2.733  144073     70.23    -31.5  -61.0  -15.8  0.99400  0.99260
0.99540   101  fusiform

   2       -2.537  153213     28.08    -14.2   40.2   12.1  1.00000
-0.00020  1.00000    57  superiorfrontal

   3       -2.348   57351     30.35    -63.3  -39.6    8.0  1.00000
-0.00020  1.00000    77  bankssts

   4        2.265  146861     20.30    -38.8  -57.9   25.4  1.00000
-0.00020  1.00000    45  inferiorparietal

   5       -2.261  116880     21.63    -33.3  -48.7   60.5  1.00000
-0.00020  1.00000    45  superiorparietal

   6        2.248   83406     24.49     -5.2   28.6   18.6  1.00000
-0.00020  1.00000    47  caudalanteriorcingulate

   7       -2.182   90669     20.62    -50.9  -56.2  -12.6  1.00000
-0.00020  1.00000    28  inferiortemporal

   8        2.143   32579      5.79     -7.9  -10.3   40.1  1.00000
-0.00020  1.00000    14  posteriorcingulate

   9       -2.052  159218      3.21     -5.0  -33.8   32.9  1.00000
-0.00020  1.00000     7  isthmuscingulate

  10       -2.050  127337      7.16    -17.7    6.2  -15.5  1.00000
-0.00020  1.00000    16  lateralorbitofrontal

  11       -2.013   93626      1.61    -37.4  -13.7   54.8  1.00000
-0.00020  1.00000     3  precentral

  12       -2.006    9896      0.87    -27.3   -0.6  -35.9  1.00000
-0.00020  1.00000     2  entorhinal

  13       -2.001   75892      0.47    -22.0  -33.4  -11.8  1.00000
-0.00020  1.00000     1  parahippocampal

On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 9:37 PM, miracle ozzoude <miracoo...@gmail.com>

> Hello,
> I ran cortical thickness analyses using the following contrast and fsgd.
> After that, I corrected for multiple comparison using monte carlo 5000 with
> cluster forming threshold of 2 and unsigned/2-tailed t-test (abs). I wanted
> to confirm my interpretation of the results.
> 1) Since my contrast is (-1 1 0 0 representing control>stroke), it should
> be red/yellow and if blue, it should be control<stroke. However, I see
> clusters with colors different from the aformentioned (see attached
> screenshot). How should I interpret them?
> 2) I want to view the uncorrected p-values, which of the columns in the
> summary text file should I concentrate, and should the p < or > 0.05?
> 3) Looking at the CWP column in the summary text file, can I conclude that
> the obtained regions/clusters are significant? This is because non of the
> cluster-wise p-values are below 0.05 (--cwp 0.05).
> 4) Which of the columns represent the sign of my contrast i.e. where
> Control>Stroke and Control<Stroke because i used abs? Max?
> FSGD file
> GroupDescriptorFile
> Title StrokevsControl
> Class1 Stroke
> Class2 Control
> Variable bmi
> Input 6001 Stroke 20
> Input 8001 Control 30
> Contrast:
> -1 1 0 0 (Control>Stroke removing the effects of bmi)
> Thank you,
> Paul
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