Hello FS users,

I am using FreeSurfer version 5.3 to calculate local verification index and 
processing stopped at make_roi_paths. Here, I was given the error below. I 
searched in the archives and found a solution to the problem was to edit a few 
lines on SearchProjectionOnPial.m. The new script is included below the error. 
Any advice on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.

Make_roi_paths error


                            < M A T L A B (R) >
                  Copyright 1984-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.
                   R2015b ( 64-bit (glnxa64)
                              August 20, 2015

For online documentation, see http://www.mathworks.com/support
For product information, visit www.mathworks.com<http://www.mathworks.com>.

modified_matlab =


Academic License

>> loading datas ...
...reading surface file: lh.pial
...reading triangle file
...adding 1 to face indices for matlab compatibility.
...done (  0.07 sec)

...reading surface file: lh.pial-outer-smoothed
...reading triangle file
...adding 1 to face indices for matlab compatibility.
...done (  0.02 sec)

preparing outer mesh structure ...
face 5000 / 132292
face 10000 / 132292
face 15000 / 132292
face 20000 / 132292
face 25000 / 132292
face 30000 / 132292
face 35000 / 132292
face 40000 / 132292
face 45000 / 132292
face 50000 / 132292
face 55000 / 132292
face 60000 / 132292
face 65000 / 132292
face 70000 / 132292
face 75000 / 132292
face 80000 / 132292
face 85000 / 132292
face 90000 / 132292
face 95000 / 132292
face 100000 / 132292
face 105000 / 132292
face 110000 / 132292
face 115000 / 132292
face 120000 / 132292
face 125000 / 132292
face 130000 / 132292

mesh_outer =

         vertices: [66148x3 double]
            faces: [132292x3 double]
    facesOfVertex: [66148x1 struct]

preparing pial mesh structure ...
...searching for mesh edges...done (140.10 sec).
... creating path file for vertex 1 / 66148
area file for outer ROIs saved at 1
In an assignment  A(:) = B, the number of elements in A and B must be the same.

Error in dsearchn (line 79)
        [d(i),t(i)] = min(sum((x-yi).^2,2));

Error in mesh_vertex_nearest (line 29)
nearestIndex = dsearchn(vertices,points);

Error in reorganize_verticeslist (line 28)

Error in make_roi_paths (line 93)
    reorglist = reorganize_verticeslist (mesh_total, A, mesh_outer, perim,
    verticeslist, step);

SearchProjectionOnPial.m Script
function [verticeslist]=SearchProjectionOnPial(mesh_total,mesh_outer,perim, 

% step is typically set between 5 and 10. Default is 7, increasing it will
% limit redundancies in the resulting path file.

for t=1:step:si
    verticeslist= [verticeslist nearestIndexMT];

Ryan Nillo
UCSF Center for Radiology and Biomedical Imaging
Staff Research Associate

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