The Destrieux labels live on the surface. If you have put them into a 1mm MNI space and have a 2mm template you can always use mri_convert as:

mri_convert -rl MNI.2mm.template.nii.gz -rt nearest \
  Destrieux.1mm.labels.mgz Destrieux.2mm.labels.mgz


p.s. "rl" = reslice like, and "rt" = resample type

On Fri, 10 Nov 2017, Daya P wrote:

Hi All,
How can I get the aparc2009 atlas in MNI 2mm space? I want the labels to be in 
MNI 2mm space. Are
there Destrieux labels in 2mm space already somewhere? I could only find them 
in 1mm ... 

Thank you,

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