
I’m having some troubles with using bbregister on hemispherectomy brains (i.e 
only one hemisphere; data is successfully processed with recon-all dev version 
- thanks to Bruce). 

I use bbregister to create a register.dat for the functional (preprocessed with 
fmriprep and registered -but not resampled- to standard space with fmriprep) to 
structural. Goal is to use the aparc+aseg
with mri_label2vol to transform to functional volume space. Ultimate goal is 
then to extract time series with mrisegstats. And this seems to work fine for 3 
out of 5 subjects with hemispherectomy.

However for two subjects the bbregister steps produced a bad output (as in the 
input tilts vertically, see screenshot overlaid on T1). One reason might be 
that for those subjects two heads are in a bid of a ‘funky tilted’ position, 
which maybe causes the automatic registration in bbregister to fail? 
Regardless of the reason, I was just wondering if any of you (Doug?) have 
further suggestions? 

One issue I noticed in the log is its suggested to use the T1 flag (not the 
bold) but its a bold input, just weird intensities probably bc of the ‘empty’ 
hemisphere. I also tried to run it with the T1 flag..same issue

Thank you,

Here is the command I use for bbregister
bbregister --s subjx --mov func.nii.gz --init-fsl --reg subjx_register.dat 
--bold --lh-only 

Also happy to upload the relevant data or paste the whole log.
I use Fs 6.0 to run bbregister,mri_label2vol and mri_segstats.

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