Hi Doug, thanks for the explanation! Also --projfrac-max -.1 1 .1 is a big 
improvement, I think it should be good for my purposes. Feeling good about this 


On 04/11/2018 12:44 PM, David Beeler wrote:

> Hi Doug, thanks for the response! So it looks like my initial 
> transform from surface label to anatomical volume wasn't working 
> because my template.nii.gz and brainmask were in a different space 
> than the functional data I was processing. This happened because I was 
> taking the raw f.nii.gz, doing some transformations first, and saving 
> it to a file called f_reg.nii.gz. I was then trying to run 
> preproc-sess using the -i flag to specify this f_reg.nii.gz, but when 
> preproc runs mktemplate-sess it still uses f.nii.gz to make the 
> template, regardless of what the -i or -mcin flags say. I just added a 
> line in the if($DoTemplate) section of preproc-sess to have the option 
> of adding a -funcstem and it worked fine. I have now updated my 
> preprocessing to run all the commands individually instead of using 
> preproc-sess at all, and I'm probably going to send another message to 
> this list later making sure I'm doing that correctly. Additionally, 
> Re: "I think you could do it with a single call to mri_label2vol using 
> --regheader and specifying the func template." This works great! 
> Thanks for the shortcut. I got the surface label direct to functional 
> volume transform working with: mri_vol2vol --regheader --mov 
> $OUTPUTDIR/rh.MT.volume.anat.nii.gz --targ 
> $MEANFUNCDIR/meanfunc.nii.gz --o 
> $OUTPUTDIR/rh.MT.volume.func-regheader.nii.gz --nearest But I'm still 
> not entirely sure exactly what information is contained in regheader 
> (or where I can view this information). The reason I have been using 
> regheader instead of register.dof6.lta is that my functional data is 
> aligned to the anatomical prior to running preprocessing, and my 
> understanding was that using regheader would just downsample (similar 
> to mri_convert) and I wouldn't need to specify a registration file. Is 
> this a flawed understanding of regheader?

Regheader assumes that the two volumes "share a RAS space". This is a 
little hard to explain. Each volume has some geometry information in it 
that determines where a voxel is in RAS (right, anterior, superior) 
space. --regheader assumes that the RAS space is the same, so, if the 
RAS for voxel in volume 1 is the samseg as that of a voxel in volume2, 
then they must represent the same place anatomically. If you have 
already resampled your functional data into the 1mm, 256^3 anatomical 
space, then --regheader should work ok

> So transforming to functional space seems to be okay now, but 
> transforming back to the surface is still not perfect. I tried 
> mri_vol2surf --mov $OUTPUTDIR/rh.MT.volume.func-regheader.nii.gz 
> --regheader $SUBJID --projfrac 0.5 --interp nearest --hemi rh --o 
> $OUTPUTDIR/regheadersurface.nii.gz and also bbregister --s $SUBJID 
> --reg $OUTPUTDIR/testreg.lta --mov $MEANFUNCDIR/meanfunc.nii.gz 
> --init-fsl --bold mri_vol2surf --mov 
> $OUTPUTDIR/rh.MT.volume.func-regheader.nii.gz --reg 
> $OUTPUTDIR/testreg.lta --projfrac 0.5 --interp nearest --hemi rh --o 
> $OUTPUTDIR/testregsurface.nii.gz Which both give essentially the same 
> result: Original Label: 
> http://web.mit.edu/dsbeeler/www/images/MTlabel.png Back to Surface 
> Overlay: http://web.mit.edu/dsbeeler/www/images/MTpatchy.png This is 
> actually much better than it was, but is there a way to get rid of the 
> patchiness?

The patchiness is caused by something else. When you run vol2surf, you 
can try --projfrac-max -.1 1 .1 That should reduce the patchiness. If it 
is still not tolerable, then let me know

> Again, thanks for all the useful info!
> David
> ______________________________
> Hi David, I've tried to answer your questions below.
> doug
> On 03/30/2018 01:48 PM, David Beeler wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > Sorry in advance, this is a bit of an annoying one!
> >
> > I am trying to use freesurfer's automatically generated MT label as a 
> > parcel to constrain activity measured during a functional MT 
> > localizer. I am currently doing my analysis in the volume and I'd like 
> > to transform the MT surface label into the subject's volume functional 
> > space (i.e. the same space as the sig.nii.gz for a particular 
> > contrast), take the voxels in sig.nii.gz that are within the MT label, 
> > and project them back onto the surface (preferably to be viewed as an 
> > overlay with freeview). I will eventually run the analysis on the 
> > surface as well (making this much less roundabout, but I also use 
> > volume parcels so understanding how to correctly go between the volume 
> > and surface is important to me).
> >
> > In my pipeline I start off by running preproc-sess, then I register 
> > and transform my preprocessed functional data (fmcpr.nii.gz) to the 
> > subject's anatomical (without upsampling). After doing mkanalysis and 
> > mkcontrast, I run selxavg on this volume. So the functional data is 
> > aligned with the anatomical, but still has low res dimensions.
> >
> > If it's not too much to ask, would it be possible to provide the 
> > specific commands to do all these transformations properly? I'll 
> > provide some of the commands I've tried below so you can see where I'm 
> > going wrong:
> >
> > First I want to transform the MT label to the functional volume. I've 
> > tried:
> >
> > mri_label2vol --subject $SUBJID --label 
> > $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJID/label/rh.MT.label --o 
> > $OUTPUTDIR/rh.MT.volume.anat.nii.gz --temp 
> > $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJID/mri/orig.mgz --identity --fill-ribbon --hemi rh
> >
> > ...which I would expect to put the label in high resolution anatomical 
> > volume space (orig.mgz), but it doesn't fill the graymatter ribbon 
> > nicely at all.
> I  would have expected this to work. Can you send a pic? I just ran it
> myself, and it seemed to do ok.
> >
> > I then use mri_vol2vol to transform to functional/sig.nii.gz space (I 
> > could also just downsample with mri_convert since I've already aligned 
> > my sig.nii.gz to my anatomical, this gives me the same result). I am 
> > using regheader here, is this okay?
> >
> > mri_vol2vol --regheader --mov $OUTPUTDIR.rh.MT.volume.anat.nii.gz 
> > --targ meanfunc.nii.gz --o rh.MT.volume.func.nii.gz --nearest
> >
> > ...and this works pretty well, but it's a little sparse so I may need 
> > to dilate it with mri_morphology. I think this step is fine.
> Why do this extra step? I think you could do it with a single call to
> mri_label2vol using --regheader and specifying the func template. Why
> are you using --regheader here instead of the register.dof6.lta?
> >
> > Next I use matlab to take the voxels in sig.nii.gz that are also in 
> > rh.MT.volume.func.nii.gz and I save that as a new volume, say 
> > constrainedsig.nii.gz.
> You can do this with mri_mask sig.nii.gz rh.MT.volume.func.nii.gz
> constrainedsig.nii.gz
> > Now I want to transform constrainedsig.nii.gz to the surface. I have 
> > tried going directly using the register.dof6.lta generated from 
> > preproc-sess:
> >
> > mri_vol2surf --mov constrainedsig.nii.gz --reg register.dof6.lta 
> > --projfrac 0.5 --interp nearest --hemi rh --o 
> > $OUTPUTDIR/constrainedsig_surface.nii.gz
> This should have worked. Try doing directly on the rh.MT.volume.func.nii.gz
> >
> > ... and this is in the right area, but its shape doesn't match the 
> > shape of the original label. So I've also tried backtracking and doing 
> > another vol2vol and then vol2surf with regheader:
> >
> > mri_vol2vol --regheader --mov constrainedsig.nii.gz --targ 
> > $SUBJECTS_DIR/$SUBJID/mri/orig.mgz --o 
> > $OUTPUTDIR/constainedsig_anatvolume.nii.gz
> >
> > mri_vol2surf --mov constrainedsig_anatvolume.nii.gz --hemi rh 
> > --regheader S02 --o $OUTPUTDIR/constrainedsig_anatsurface
> >
> > ...and while this ends up in the right place, it is really patchy 
> > (looking kind of like twisty zebra stripes). Seems to me like it has 
> > the wrong dimensions or something, but mri_info says it's the same 
> > dimensions as the volume I originally created with mri_label2vol.
> >
> > Any help is much appreciated, thanks!
> > David
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