You need to put in age, weight, AND age*weight. If you have two classes and use DODS, then the contrast would be

0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5

On 4/13/18 8:02 PM, David S Lee wrote:
Hi Douglas,

Thank you for your reply.

To follow up, I am setting up GLM analysis with 1 categorical variable and 1 continuous variable (age X weight). Myfsgd looks like this:

/GroupDescriptorFile 1/
/Title Cortical Thickness Interaction between Age and Weight/
/Class class1 plus blue/
/Class class2 circle green/
/Variable           Demean Age X Demean Weight/

I want to test for an interaction between age and weight while controlling forgroup. Instead ofputting-inage and weight separately, I multiply them to test for interaction. Can you tell me if following contrast vector will correctly test for this?

/0 0 0.5 0.5/
Thank you for your time,
David S. Lee
Associate Research Specialist
Center for Healthy Minds
University of Wisconsin - Madison
(608) 890-1115 <tel:%28608%29%20890-1115>

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