answwers below

On 09/27/2018 05:44 AM, 伊藤匠吾 wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to FreeSurfer.
> I conducted an experiment with event-related design.
> There were eight non-fixation conditions. In every trial, a simple 
> stimulus was presented for about 1.5 sec, and the subject made a 
> button press.
> I did the following analyses:
> preproc-sess -df sessdirfile -s YY03 -per-run -fwhm 5 -sliceorder 
> siemens -surface fsaverage lhrh -mni305  -fsd bold
> mkanalysis-sess -a YY.sm5.lh -surface fsaverage lh -TR 2 -p OWN.par 
> -event-related -fsd bold -per-run -fwhm 5 -nconditions 8 -mcextreg  
> -fir 4 24  -polyfit 2 -force
> mkcontrast-sess -analysis YY.sm5.lh -contrast all_null -a 1 -a 2 -a 3 
> -a 4 -a 5 -a 6 -a 7 -a 8 -c 0 -rmprestim
> selxavg3-sess -df sessdirfile -sf sessid -analysis YY.sm5.lh
> then, I checked the data with tksurfer-sess (tksurfer-sess -df 
> sessdirfile -s YY03 -analysis YY.sm5.lh -contrast all_null).
> When clicked Overlay/Configure, I see Frame (0-8). Frame #1 shows 
> clear task-related activations (visual, auditory, motor areas).
> Because I used -fir 4 24, I think I should have 12 time points, not 9.
> I am currently using version 6, but I also checked the data with 
> version 5, confirmed the same outcome.
> raw plots by tksurfer-sess (version 5) showed hemodynamic responses 
> for -4 sec to 20 sec. So the data seem to have correct length.
> Then, I created several contrasts with -setwdelay for all_null 
> weigting different time points like this
> w1_all_null : 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> w3_all_null : 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> w5_all_null : 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
> w7_all_null : 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
> with the following command, I see 4 frames, which probably correspond 
> to each contrast.
> tksurfer-sess -df sessdirfile -s YY03 -analysis YY.sm5.lh -contrast 
> w1_all_null -contrast w3_all_null -contrast w5_all_null -contrast 
> w7_all_null
> However, when changing "frame" gives exactly the same image.
> (1) why did I get Frame (0-8) for my data that should have 12 frames?
When you use -rmprestim, it subtracts the mean of the prestim baseline 
AND removes the prestim time points (-4 -2 and 0) so you only end up 
with 9 frames.
> (2) how can I visualize contrasts created with -setwdelay?
Your visualization command is correct. I don't understand why you are 
seeing the same image for each frame. Can you load them separately and 
see if they are different?
> I would appreciate for any comments/suggestions.
> Here is my environment:
> -------- freesurfer-Darwin-OSX-stable-pub-v6.0.0-2beb96c --------
> Setting up environment for FreeSurfer/FS-FAST (and FSL)
> FREESURFER_HOME   /Applications/freesurfer
> FSFAST_HOME       /Applications/freesurfer/fsfast
> SUBJECTS_DIR /Users/guest/Documents/FreeSurfer/subjects
> MNI_DIR           /Applications/freesurfer/mni
> FSL_DIR           /usr/local/fsl
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thank you!
> Shoo
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