External Email - Use Caution        

Hi Eugenio,
Thank you again for the fantastic thalamic nuclei segmentation tool!

I'm going through and QC'ing a batch of subjects that were processed
through the pipeline. Data was originally processed with freesurfer-6.0.0
and then processed through the thalamic nuclei stream

I have found that for some cases, there are some isolated patches of voxels
that are disconnected and seemingly in the wrong place. I've noticed it
primarily for the MDm and my impression is that it tends to happen more in
the right hemisphere. I've attached a sample image to show you what I mean.
The red cross has been placed on a set of these voxels.  It is not the case
that they are connected in 3D.

Any input is appreciated and thanks again! If it can be useful, I'm happy
to upload the data

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