When you look at the vertex in matlab, are you correctly accounting for 
the fact that FreeView uses 0-based indexing and matlab uses 1-based? 
Eg, vertex 234741 in Freeview would be 234742 in matlab. You seem to be 
using 234740 in matlab below

On 10/15/2018 05:11 PM, Bruss, Joel E wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> I'm trying to make a surface file from a subject's head and to map 
> coordinates to that surface.  If I run:
> mri_seghead --invol $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sub/mri/T1.mgz --outvol 
> $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sub/mri/seghead.mgz --fill 255 --thresh1 20 --thresh2 
> 20 --nhitsmin 2
> mri_tessellate $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sub/mri/seghead.mgz 255 
> $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sub/surf/lh.seghead
> and then load lh.seghead in FreeView, it looks as I would expect.  
> Clicking anywhere near a vertex gives the typical output, showing the 
> closest vertex.  All fine and well. However, if I load the file in Matlab:
> vCoord=read_surf('$SUBJECTS_DIR/$sub/surf/lh.seghead');
> my values are nothing near what I'm seeing in Freeview.  For example, 
> FreeView reports:
> vertex 234741 [-78.50,14.50,26.50]
> read_surf reports:
> vertex 234740 0168.9800000000000
> Of note, an error log tells me that:
> MRISreadNewCurvature: incompatible vertex number in file 
> $SUBJECTS_DIR/$sub/surf/lh.curv
> How do I edit, update or create a curv file to play with the new 
> surface file, or what can I do to get sensical surface coordinates 
> from this data?
> Thanks,
> Joel
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