External Email - Use Caution        

​Hello Jon,

Looks like you are already running with -debug and -allowcoredump option, and 
the shell limits do not look like they are too small to allow the coredump to 
be written.  I don't know offhand if that coredump option causes a file to 
be written somewhere, but I will try and find out if there is a location for it.

When the program exits you could try looking at the end of the system log to 
see if their is any info logged there, e.g.,

$ tail -50 /var/log/syslog

- and look for events that match the timestamp of when the program ran/stopped 

If you can reproduce running a trac* command from the terminal that causes the 
crash, then you could try running that same command with gdb, e.g.,

$ gdb /usr/local/freesurfer/bin/trac-all  -debug -allowcoredump -path 
-c /data/Abeona/648TT/run_648TT_path.txt

.... gdb will output some text then at the gdb prompt type run...

(gdb)  run

.... then wait for the program to stop and try to get the backtrace with the 
back trace command  ....

(gdb)  bt  full

.... which may yield some more info about the crash .....

On Oct 29, 2018, at 16:59, Whitney, Jon <jon.whit...@ert.com> 
wrote:        External Email - Use 
Caution        I got someone to help 
me, and based on what they told me the trac-all.log is where the debug 
information gets stored (I tried using -x +x in my bash command script and it 
only gave me upper level debugging information), so I have attached the 
trac-all.log file.  I also was able to get help from someone who was able 
to save the core dump for when the system crashed, but it is extremely large 
(1.7GB). I can upload the core dump file if that would be helpful.  I 
watched the system resources while the program ran, and I noticed that the 
memory usage only got up to 4% while the CPU usage was 100%, so I don't think 
I'm running out of memory.  We looked at the core dump file, and my linux 
expert friend suggested that it may be a memory overflow error because it 
references memory at 0x0000000etc.<image.png>unfortunately, without the 
source code to help us interpret the core dump, I don't think I can provide 
much more in the way of specific information.  Please let me know if 
there's somewhere I can upload the core dump if you want to look at it.Thanks!
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