On 11/03/2018 02:20 AM, Vikas Bandalli wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> Dear  freesurfer team.
> I am running an analysis betweene two groups Normal and Patients.
> Here is an example of my particular design
> diagnosis :- Normal vs Bipolar
> Co-variate :- Age
> Nuisance factor :- Total_Intra cranial volume
> I would please like to know a couple of things related to QDEC
> 1.I am looking for difference in volume between patients and controls 
> and the analysis. For correcting for multiple comparisons I ran Monte 
> carlo - Z simulation at threshold of 1.3
> My understanding is the analysis overall runs a two-tailed t-test 
> first and then when we select to run MC-z simulation it iterates for 
> multiple comparisions (by repeating the saem say 1000 times ) and 
> gives out 'clusterwise p-value'
> Is my understanding correct?
It synthesizes a z-field, then smoothes it based on the smoothness of 
the residual of the real data, then thresholds, finds the max cluster 
size. It then repeats 1000 times. It then computes the p-value of your 
cluster based on the number of times it saw a cluster of the same size 
or bigger out of the 1000 trials. Note: for a threshold of 1.3, we 
recommend that you do permutation instead since the cluster p-value is 
very liberal using the MCZ simulation.
> 2.I would like to extract T-values for the same . Are we getting 
> cluster wise T-value similar to cluster wise p-value ?
> in the terminal
The cluster pvalue is not based on a t-test. You can get t-value from 
the original voxel-wise analysis. Look in the output folder under each 
contrast. You will find F.mgh and gamma.mgh. t = sign(gamma)*sqrt(F) 
(assuming it is a t-contrast and not an F)
> 3. Where would I find t-values for the analysis ???
See above
> 4.Are there any methods to extract T-values in qdec or freesurfer . If 
> so,please specify.
> I am enclosing screenshots from my analysis for the same . Kindly 
> request you to please have a look please help me out with this ??
> Thanking You,
> Yours sincerely ,
> Dr.Vikas Bandalli
> --
> Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute (BMCRI),
> Bangalore,India,
> Ph : +918904286825

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