External Email - Use Caution        

Our lab has been running a set of data from a pre/post-treatment study through 
the FreeSurfer v6 pipeline. I was comparing the pre-treatment structural values 
initially run through the cross-sectional pipeline with the same pre-treatment 
data later run through the longitudinal pipeline and was seeing the same issue 
as has been previously posted about (msg52994). Particularly, one cortical 
region of interest shows on average 0.24mm (8.8%) larger cortical thickness 
values processed in the longitudinal pipeline vs. the cross-sectional pipeline. 
While all participant’s data showed increased thickness in this area with the 
longitudinal vs. cross-sectional pipeline, this was not at all consistent 
across participants (ranging from 0.08 to 0.47mm differences [3-18%]). While 
the longitudinal pipeline would increase reliability and sensitivity comparing 
the pre to post-scans, we are just very concerned about these major and 
inconsistent differences analyzing the same baseline data with the different 
pipelines. Particularly, we have some attrition so most participants have 2 but 
some have only 1 scan and thus this feels like it could introduce systematic 
bias in overall thickness.
Any input would be appreciated!
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