Hi Baxter

we are seeing this locally as well. Probably a bug introduced into 
the last day or two. We will post a fix soon


On Mon, 12 Nov 2018, Baxter P. Rogers wrote:

>        External Email - Use Caution
> Hi all - I'm having a problem with recon-all in the current dev version
> of Freesurfer. It is failing somewhere in the surface creation steps. I
> get an error during mris_extract_main_component:
> ERROR: MRISalloc: nvertices=-1879047998 < 0
> No such file or directory
> The filled left and right white matter images look reasonable but I
> can't load the lh.orig.nofix surface in Freeview.
> More info below. Thanks much for any help,
> Baxter
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pub/dist/freesurfer/dev/freesurfer-linux-centos7_x86_64-dev.tar.gz
> Downloaded 2018-11-12
> SHA256 792a0e90ec6b4cfd3a530c3e5b4c9aead575dbb45217756e66931bb5d118e89d
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> CentOS 7.5.1804
> Running in Docker on OS X El Capitan with 1 CPU, 6.5 GB RAM
> # df -h
> Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> overlay          74G   30G   40G  43% /
> tmpfs            64M     0   64M   0% /dev
> tmpfs           3.2G     0  3.2G   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
> osxfs           465G  438G   27G  95% /wkdir
> /dev/sda1        74G   30G   40G  43% /etc/hosts
> shm             3.0G     0  3.0G   0% /dev/shm
> # cat /proc/meminfo
> MemTotal:        6616764 kB
> MemFree:         4934288 kB
> MemAvailable:    6134084 kB
> ...
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Failed to load Surface .../surf/lh.orig.nofix
> # ls -l lh.orig.nofix
> -rw-rw-r-- 1 root root 4320024 Nov 11 23:02 lh.orig.nofix
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> LATER PORTIONS OF recon-all.log
>  mri_pretess wm.asegedit.mgz wm norm.mgz wm.mgz
> Iteration Number : 1
> pass   1 (xy+):  49 found -  49 modified     |    TOTAL:  49
> ...
> pass   1 (-+):   0 found -   0 modified     |    TOTAL:   0
> Total Number of Modified Voxels = 1264 (out of 703656: 0.179633)
> binarizing input wm segmentation...
> Ambiguous edge configurations...
> mri_pretess done
>  mri_fill -a ../scripts/ponscc.cut.log -xform transforms/talairach.lta
> -segmentation aseg.presurf.mgz wm.mgz filled.mgz
> logging cutting plane coordinates to ../scripts/ponscc.cut.log...
> ...
> Erasing Brain Stem and Cerebellum ...
> Define left and right masks using aseg:
> Building Voronoi diagram ...
> Using the Voronoi diagram to separate WM into two hemispheres ...
> Find the largest connected component for each hemisphere ...
>  mri_pretess ../mri/filled.mgz 255 ../mri/norm.mgz
> ../mri/filled-pretess255.mgz
> Iteration Number : 1
> pass   1 (xy+):   2 found -   2 modified     |    TOTAL:   2
> ...
> pass   1 (-+):   0 found -   0 modified     |    TOTAL:   0
> Total Number of Modified Voxels = 15 (out of 347364: 0.004318)
> Ambiguous edge configurations...
> mri_pretess done
>  mri_tessellate ../mri/filled-pretess255.mgz 255 ../surf/lh.orig.nofix
> $Id: mri_tessellate.c,v 1.39 2016/07/20 21:05:04 zkaufman Exp $
>   $Id$
> slice 30: 1553 vertices, 1720 faces
> ...
> slice 250: 179904 vertices, 180024 faces
> using the conformed surface RAS to save vertex points...
> writing ../surf/lh.orig.nofix
> using vox2ras matrix:
> -1.00000   0.00000   0.00000   128.00000;
>  0.00000   0.00000   1.00000  -128.00000;
>  0.00000  -1.00000   0.00000   128.00000;
>  0.00000   0.00000   0.00000   1.00000;
>  rm -f ../mri/filled-pretess255.mgz
>  mris_extract_main_component ../surf/lh.orig.nofix ../surf/lh.orig.nofix
> ERROR: MRISalloc: nvertices=-1879047998 < 0
> No such file or directory
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