External Email - Use Caution        

Dear Freesurfer Experts,

I am currently doing a Longitudinal LME comparison between early and late onset 
Parkinson's Patients.

After the Matlab analysis, I view the resulting sig.mgh file in tksurfer and 
create a label based on regions that pass FDR 0.05.

I then use the mri_label2label on the label I created to resample it back onto 
my subject pool using the following loop.

for i in `less ./list`
echo $i

mri_label2label \
  --srcsubject fsaverage \
  --srclabel fsaverage/label/ReFront.label \
  --trgsubject $i \
  --trglabel $i/label/ReFront.label \
  --hemi lh \
  --regmethod surface \


However, the resulting labels have a different shape and surface area from the 
one I first created, and the data I obtained from mris_anatomical_stats 
conflicts with the results from LME.

What am I doing wrong?


Xiaoyu Wang

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