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Dear FreeSurfer experts,

I'm parsing data from FreeSurfer stats files, e.g., 
<subject>/stats/lh.aparc.stats and aseg.stats.

My question: when parsing measure lines, which combination of fields are 
guaranteed to uniquely identify a measure? Here are two example lines (from 

# Measure Cortex, NumVert, Number of Vertices, 140843, unitless
# Measure Cortex, WhiteSurfArea, White Surface Total Area, 94426.8, mm^2

If you ignore the line header part '# Measure ', each line consists of 5 
fields. Is it, for example, safe to assume that the combination of the first 2 
fields ("Cortex" + "NumVert" for the first example line) is unique?

Thanks in advance,


Dr. Tim Schäfer
Postdoc Computational Neuroimaging
Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy
University Hospital Frankfurt, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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