External Email - Use Caution        

I extract the streamlines for each tract from path.pd.trk to an ascii file and 
then wish to transform the coordinates to RAS T1 coordinates in millimeters.
My results are not correct.

Here is the extraction command I'm using. Is this correct? Perhaps I should be 
using orig.mgz as the outref volume? I do not understand -inref and --outref
    dmri_trk2trk -in path.pd.trk -inref path.pd.nii.gz -outref path.pd.nii.gz 
-outasc test.streamlines

Given the above command, I am assuming that the output I'm getting is in the 
diffusion frame in voxel coordinates.
I extract 4x4 transforms and apply them in sequence; I append 1.0 to each 
3-vector before applying them of course.
Here is the most compact approach I've tried
1st transform: mri_info -in path.pd.nii.gz -vox2ras-tkr
2nd transform: mri_info -in orig.mgz -tkr2scanner

I've also tried this:
1st transform: mri_info -in path.pd.nii.gz -vox2ras
2nd transform: mri_info -in path.pd.nii.gz -scanner2tkr
3rd transform: mri_inf -in orig.mgz -tkr2scanner

I've tried some other sequence since I'm not sure what frame is the target 
output for the-vox2ras* transforms stored in path.pd.nii.gz .
Those are  the only transforms which contain the multiplication factors needed 
to get to millimeters from voxels.

Rather than continuing to fumble around, some direction from you who know would 
be very much appreciated.

Best - Don

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