Dear Freesurfer experts

I was running recon-all command with hires flag for our high resolution fMRI 
data, but it has been in a constant status since yesterday.

I copied the last few lines that are currently in my terminal. I had the same 
issue with another subject before, and I had to terminate the recon-all and run 
it without -hires.

Could you please let me know how I can solve this issue?



#@# Fix Topology Copy rh Wed Feb 20 19:50:00 EST 2019

 cp ../surf/rh.orig.nofix ../surf/rh.orig

 cp ../surf/rh.inflated.nofix ../surf/rh.inflated

#@# Fix Topology lh Wed Feb 20 19:50:03 EST 2019

 mris_fix_topology -rusage 
 -mgz -sphere qsphere.nofix -ga -seed 1234 inul_loom2_7T lh

#@# Fix Topology rh Wed Feb 20 19:50:03 EST 2019

 mris_fix_topology -rusage 
 -mgz -sphere qsphere.nofix -ga -seed 1234 inul_loom2_7T rh

Waiting for PID 8994 of (8994 8997) to complete...

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