Try using mri_binarize with the hipsubfields as input and using --match 231 232
This will create a mask of all voxels that match the numbers

On 4/8/2019 8:49 PM, Daniel Callow wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution


I am trying to create ROI volumes from the hippocampal subfields I get from

mri_vol2vol --mov 
/Volumes/DANIEL/dti_freesurf/dtrecon/${cond}.${subj}/lowb.nii.gz --targ 
 --inv --interp nearest --o 
/Volumes/DANIEL/dti_freesurf/dtrecon/${cond}.${subj}/lhipp2diff.nii.gz --reg 
/Volumes/DANIEL/dti_freesurf/dtrecon/${cond}.${subj}/register.dat --no-save-reg

 so that I can merge specific hippocampal subfields I want together into a 
single ROI (like --id 231 and --id 232). However, when looking through the 
freesurfer options like mri_vol2vol there isn't an option to index to specific 
segments of the lh.hippoAmygLabels-T1.long.v21.HBT.FSvoxelSpace.mgz volume I 
have converted into dti space.

My plan is to combine the head and body segments and extract average diffusion 
information from the combined mask.

Anything that can help get me in the right direction would be greatly 

Daniel Callow
PhD Student, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science
Exercise for Brain Health Lab
University of Maryland, College Park<>

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