External Email - Use Caution        

I ran 38 subjects through Freesurfer 6.0 on a supercomputer here at Washu.
The super computer is about 3 years old. Of those 38 subjects, 7 exceeded
20 hour time limit on the batch script.  The others took about 12 hours to
finish. All subjects had a 1mm isotropic MPRAGE and FLAIR. Below is the
command I used for one of them. Is there a reason for some subjects
recon-all would take more then 20 hours?

recon-all -s 100000016_20170414 -i
/scratch/brierm/Images/100000016_20170414_T1.nii -FLAIR
/scratch/brierm/Images/100000016_20170414_FLAIR.nii  -FLAIRpial -all
-mprage -hippocampal-subfields-T1 -qcache
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