External Email - Use Caution        

Great, thanks!

Mark Wagshul, PhD
Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Bronx, NY

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 27, 2019, at 2:43 PM, Antonin Skoch <a...@ikem.cz<mailto:a...@ikem.cz>> 

        External Email - Use Caution

Dear Mark,

I would suggest to use PALM instead:


PALM supports surface-based data. Each vertex has different area, which has to 
be accounted when the cluster size is computed.

Antonin Skoch

Dear Freesurfer experts,

Hi.  We are analyzing cortical thickness data in Freesurfer, longitudinal data
in 55 subjects using the linear mixed effects package.  We are finding a number
of siginificant clusters, and would like to correct for multiple comparisons
with permutation testing.  We have already run about 2000 permutations, and
would like to use TFCE available in randomise rather than empirical methods to
set parameters such as the cluster forming threshold.

So, the simple question is, how do we convert our FS format data (these are F
statistics at each vertex) into a format which can be read into randomise?

Thanks for any advice you can provide.



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