Sorry, I think this is beyond our ability to support.

On 9/4/19 4:44 AM, arsene ella wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> /Dear //Freesurfer experts,/
> /I’ve built an atlas of structures of a non-human average brain and now //I 
> would like to build //its//.gca files from scratch. //From the Freesurfer 
> mailing list, I saw that this is possible using 
> //*rebuild_gca_atlas.csh*//**//which trains labelled brai//ns 
> (//*seg_edited.mgz*//) and their intensity volumes (it is said to use 
> the //*norm.mgz*//for this purpose) from several subjects through 
> //*mri_ca_train*//. //My questions are :/
> /1) How to normalize my native intensity volume to a 
> //*norm.mgz*//volume without .gca and .lta files asking by 
> //*mri_ca_normalize *//?/
> /Y//ou’ve suggested to give //*mri_ca_normalize*//a flag to tell it to 
> use a manual segmentation instead of the gca by trying //*-seg <manual 
> seg volume>*//. Then the gca name won't matter - it should ignore it… 
> I tried this as followed :/
> /let : /
> /- //*Brain_Template_T1_MPR.mgz *//be my intensity native volume/
> /- //*Brain_Cortex_Atlas.mgz*////**//be my manual segmented volume/
> /- //*Brain_Template_T1_MPR_norm.mgz*//**//be //my 
> //*norm*//output//volume/
> /Command lines :/
> /*mri_ca_normalize*//Brain_Template_T1_MPR.mgz 
> //*-seg*//Brain_Cortex_Atlas.mgz Brain_Template_T1_MPR_norm.mgz/
> _/gave the following error message :/_
> /reading 1 input volume/
> /reading atlas from '-seg'.../
> /GCAread(-seg): could not open file/
> /No such file or directory/
> /mri_ca_normalize: could not open GCA -seg./
> /No such file or directory/
> /*mri_ca_normalize*////*-seg *//Brain_Cortex_Atlas.mgz 
> Brain_Template_T1_MPR.mgz Brain_Template_T1_MPR_norm.mgz/
> _/gave the following message  and stopped:/_
> /using segmentation volume 
> /home/arsene/Bureau/FS_GCA/FS_SHEEP_CGA/Brain_Cortex_Atlas.mgz to 
> generate control points.../
> /usage: mri_ca_normalize [<options>] <inbrain1> <inbrain2> ... <atlas> 
> <transform file> <output1> <output2> .../
> /What is wrong with theses //*mri_ca_normalize*////commands ?/
> /2) My second question is to know how to transfert labels from my////manual 
> seg//mented//volume //(ex : //*atlas.mgz*//) to each single 
> image volume (ex : vol1//*.mgz*//) ?/
> /You’ve suggested to use //*mri_label2label*//, but //I didn’t see anything 
> allowing me to do a //*volume_to_volume*//transfert //from //its 
> //*–help*//…//If I got it wrong, could you suggest a command ?/
> /cheers/
> /Arsene/
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