This is a bug. I think I have fixed it. Can you download these files

Copy them to $FREESURFER_HOME/fsfast/bin (after making backups of the ones that 
are there)

Let me know if this works. Also, I would be careful with changing the DOF -- 
usually it is never needed.

On 10/8/2019 5:12 PM, Droppa, Kyle Salmon wrote:
Good evening,

I am using freesurfer version 6 and I am having an issue with changing the 
degrees of freedom when I run preproc-sess. I ade some registrations that are 9 
and 12 dof instead of the default 6, however when I try to run preproc-sess, it 
pulls the dof6 files instead.

Is there a flag I can use that pulls the register.dof9.lta and 
register.dof12.lta files instead?

Thank you and have a nice night!

Kyle Salmon Droppa, B.A.
Clinical Research Coordinator
Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Magnetic Resonance - Physics & Instrumentation Group

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