External Email - Use Caution        

Dear FS List,

My group was trying to look at the overlap between cortical labels in the
longitudinal processing stream and I had a question re: use of transform
files. In brief, we followed the commands for the longitudinal
processing stream, creating a "subject-specific" template for each
participant (
using FS v.6.0). We processed T1w images multiple times and now, we wanted
to transform the time 1 and time 2 (native space) scans to their
subject-specific template.

We used the following commands--
mri_vol2vol --mov
--o $INDIVIDUAL_SCAN_TIME1/brain_001_to_temp.mgz --lta

But when we did this for time 1 and time 2 scans, they were poorly aligned.
I also used the lta file for template to 001, but again things were poorly
aligned. Should we be using m3z files? Or combining different transforms?
Any guidance or suggestions are deeply appreciated.

Thanks much,

Jamie Hanson
Assistant Professor, Psychology
Research Scientist, Learning Research and Development Center
University of Pittsburgh
Personal website: jamiehanson.org
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