In the qdec analysis it is hard because we don't really support qdec 
anymore. You can run the command-line stream, and when you run 
mri_glmfit-sim to do the clustering, set --cwp 1 to keep all the 
clusters. At that point you can use mri_segstats with --i sig.mgh and 
--seg ocn.mgh (where ocn is short for a longer name with ocn in it; see 
mri_glmfit-sim --help for more details). BTW, it is unusual to compute 
the mean p-value over a region ( or -log10(p) which is what sig is)

On 10/22/19 6:19 AM, Lucia Batzu wrote:
>         External Email - Use Caution
> Dear Freesurfer Developers,
> I'm running a Qdec analysis in which I'm looking for correlations 
> between cortical thickness and a continuous CSF measurement.
> I'm interested in a specific area in which a cluster of correlation 
> pops up, but doesn't survive cluster-wise correction for 
> multiple comparisons.
> The details of the cluster are the following:
> Contrast: 'rh-Avg-thickness-CSF_protein-Cor', 15fwhm, DOF: 61
> ClusterNo: 1
> Max: 3.1156
> VtxMax: 122763
> Size(mm2): 1247.98
> TalX: 19.9
> TalY: -46.6
> TalZ: -9.0
> NVtxs: 2022
> Annotation: lingual
> I would like to know if there is a way to extract the mean p-value 
> [or, better, -log10(p)] of the uncorrected cluster.
> Thank you very much in advance,
> Best,
> Lucia
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