External Email - Use Caution        

Dear FreeSurfer experts

I ran QDEC and got the following error.

Design matrix ------------------
 1.00000   1.04000  -1.38574   2.00000   29.00000   19.00000;
 1.00000   1.04000  -0.55066   2.00000   35.00000   19.00000;
 1.00000   1.03000   2.31721   2.00000   23.00000   14.00000;
 1.00000   1.03000  -0.22919   2.00000   23.00000   16.00000;
 1.00000   1.03000  -2.69688  -2.00000   28.00000   19.00000;
 1.00000   1.01000   0.84981  -2.00000   22.00000   19.00000;
 1.00000   1.01000   0.43845   2.00000   36.00000   21.00000;
 1.00000   1.06000   1.32888   2.00000   28.00000   17.00000;
 1.00000   1.02000   0.52292   2.00000   34.00000   22.00000;
 1.00000   1.02000   0.18104   2.00000   32.00000   17.00000;
 1.00000   1.03000  -0.33783  -2.00000   32.00000   22.00000;
 1.00000   1.04000   0.65805   2.00000   30.00000   17.00000;
 1.00000   1.03000   1.21888   2.00000   37.00000   10.00000;
 1.00000   1.02000   2.11598   2.00000   29.00000   10.00000;
 1.00000   1.02000  -0.02853   2.00000   27.00000   16.00000;
 1.00000   1.04000   0.21777   2.00000   36.00000   16.00000;
 1.00000   1.01000   0.30821   2.00000   29.00000   15.00000;
 1.00000   1.03000  -0.69389   2.00000   30.00000   12.00000;
 1.00000   1.04000   0.44792   2.00000   23.00000   15.00000;
 1.00000   1.03000   0.15876   2.00000   28.00000   15.00000;
 1.00000   1.02000  -1.05796   2.00000   36.00000   10.00000;
 1.00000   1.05000  -1.51878   2.00000   32.00000   15.00000;
 1.00000   1.03000  -0.91870  -2.00000   30.00000   15.00000;
ERROR: matrix is ill-conditioned or badly scaled, condno = 68200
Possible problem with experimental design:
Check for duplicate entries and/or lack of range of
continuous variables within a class.
If you seek help with this problem, make sure to send:
  1. Your command line:
    mri_glmfit.bin --y /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/qdec/Untitled/y.mgh
--fsgd /usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/qdec/Untitled/qdec.fsgd dods --glmdir
/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/qdec/Untitled --surf fsaverage lh --label
/usr/local/freesurfer/subjects/fsaverage/label/lh.aparc.label --C

  2. The FSGD file (if using one)
  3. And the design matrix above
Attempting to diagnose further
SumSq: Min=4.795832 (col 1), Max=145.206757 (col 5)
 The scale is much different between columns 1 and 5, you may want to
 normalize by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation.

Any help would be appreciated!

With regards
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