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How do I concatenate the resulting recon-all transform with another rigid
transform to produce a single transform?

I have the aseg.nii.gz (generated from the T1w image in T1w space) output
label in the atlas space and I would like to transform this label into the
same subject's T2w space. I am aware there is a transform that moves the
image from atlas to T1w native space (although I'm not quite sure of the
specific file names of the transforms, only the command mri_label2vol).

I have the transformation from the rigid registration between T1w and T2w
(T1w moving to T2w space) and would like to concatenate the atlas-to-T1
transform with T1-to-T2 transform to reduce the amount of error caused by
resampling (since the labels are in discrete integers).

Thank you in advance,
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