Hello FreeSurfer users,

I have a mean diffusivity map that exists in MNI152 space that I want to 
register to a subject’s anatomical space. In the end, I want to display the 
diffusivity on the subject’s surface. I want to ask if this is the correct way 
to do this:

1) bbregister --s sub-01 --mov ./MD.mni152.nii --reg 
$SUBJECTS_DIR/sub-01/mri/transforms/bbregister.dat --init-fsl —dti #create 
registration matrix

2) mri_vol2vol --mov ./MD.mni152.nii --targ $SUBJECTS_DIR/sub-01/mri/brain.mgz 
--reg $SUBJECTS_DIR/sub-01/mri/transforms/bbregister.dat --o ./MD.nii #register 
mean diffusivity map to subject space

Thanks in advance,

Ryan Michael Nillo
Staff Research Associate I
University of California San Francisco
Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging

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