In the qdec  output, there should be a file called Xg.dat and one called contrast/C.dat (where contrast is the name of the contrast of interest)
X = load('Xg.dat');
C = load('contrast/C.dat');
y = MRIread('input-to-qdec.mgz'); % Not sure what this is called
ymat = fast_vol2mat(y);
yvertex = ymat(:,vertexno+1);
[beta rvar] = fast_glmfit(yvertex,X);
[F p] = fast_fratio(beta,X,rvar,C)

On 6/8/2020 3:55 AM, Jian Ou wrote:

        External Email - Use Caution

Hello FreeSurfer Developers, I have a few questions about the p value in QDEC. I want to use matlab to calculate the p value in a vertex in the QDEC result. 1. In my design, there is a continuous variable A and two Nuisance factors B and C. How to calculate the p value in the correlation analysis of A and thickness. 2. If there are two groups of subjects F, M. How to calculate the p value.
Thank for your help,
Jian Ou

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