Hi Douglas,

You asked a good question which prompted me to do an experiment with just 
"-threads 8 -itkthreads 8".

The run time has been quite slower (~8 hours) compared to ~5 hours it took with 
"-parallel -openmp 8".

I agree with you about the underestimation of run time with the latter flags in 
that page. Though the page stipulates

3 hours, I have never been able to get a freesurfer done in less than 5 hours. 
Maybe it is related to the resolution of my




-parallel -openmp 4

should run things with 4 processors and parallelize across hemi where it can 
The run time on that page is probably not accurate. But is it faster when you 
use those options?

On 7/16/2020 11:47 PM, Billah, Tashrif wrote:

This <https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/ReleaseNotes>says "-openmp 
<num> after -parallel", this 
<https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/BrainstemSubstructures> says "export 
<https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/mri_coreg> says "--threads nthreads" 
for parallel processing. I want to run recon-all and want all processes under 
recon-all to be parallelized. Which one(s) of the above flags should I provide 
with recon-all? Please note that the values are not my interest, the flags are. 
I know the proper values I should choose for the flags on my machines.

So far I have been trying "-parallel -openmp 4" option only but my run time 
stays over 5 hours contrary to less than 3 hours stipulated in the 


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