You can't do it in tandem. The 2nd command should work, just don't 
include -surf or -label
Also, when you do use -surf, you need a subject and a hemi, eg, -surf 
fsaverage lh

On 2/24/2021 12:03 PM, Erin Moe wrote:
>          External Email - Use Caution
> Hi Doug,
> Thank you for the advice! I tried plugging the output of aparc2stats into 
> mri_glmfit both in tandem with —y (mri_preproc_output).mgh as well as on its 
> own and got an error message from mri_reshape saying the elements cannot be 
> changed nv1=163842, nv1=2. This was an iteration of the table with one data 
> column for the thickness of an ROI, however, I also got the same error with 
> the full table. This is also the same table we used in SPSS for a linear 
> regression there.
> Terminal inputs:
> mri_glmfit —y lh.thickness.inflammatory.10.mgh —fsgd 
> inflammatory_markers.fsgd —C Inflammatory_group.mtx —C group_inflammatory.mtx 
> —surf fsaverage —table entorhinal_table.dat —label entorhinal.label —glmdir 
> Inflammatory_entorhinal.lh.thickness.10.glmdir
> mri_glmfit —fsgd inflammatory_markers.fsgd —C Inflammatory_group.mtx —C 
> group_inflammatory.mtx —surf fsaverage —table aparc_table.dat —label 
> entorhinal.label —glmdir Inflammatory_entorhinal.lh.thickness.10.glmdir
> Thanks!
> Erin
>> On Feb 18, 2021, at 11:15 AM, Erin Moe <> wrote:
>> Hi Freesurfer experts,
>> I’ve been running mri_glmfit and QDEC to investigate the effect of 
>> inflammatory markers on cortical thickness and don’t really get much. 
>> However, when I extract the cortical thickness values (with 
>> aparc/asegstats2table) and run a linear regression with those same 
>> inflammatory markers in SPSS, I get several significant results. I’m 
>> assuming it might be due to me setting up the QDEC/mri_glmfit analysis wrong.
>> For QDEC I have a two column .dat file with the subject IDs in the FSID 
>> column and the inflammatory markers for each participant in the other column 
>> and running the QDEC thickness analysis on that and I don’t get much in 
>> terms of results.
>> For mri_glmfit I used an FSGD file set up just like the .dat file for QDEC 
>> with the exception of formatting. However, we wanted to constrain the 
>> analysis to an ROI (entorhinal in this case), I ran mris_preproc with the 
>> following command:
>> mris_preproc —fsgd inflammatory_markers.fsgd —cache-in 
>> thickness.fwhm10.fsaverage —target fsaverage —hemi lh —out 
>> lh.thickness.inflammatory.10.mgh
>> Then fed that output into mri_glmfit as:
>> mri_glmfit —y lh.thickness.inflammatory.10.mgh —fsgd 
>> inflammatory_markers.fsgd —C Inflammatory_group.mtx —C 
>> group_inflammatory.mtx —surf fsaverage —label entorhinal.label —glmdir 
>> Inflammatory_entorhinal.lh.thickness.10.glmdir
>> The results from this look the same as the QDEC analysis but just masked out 
>> for the entorhinal ROI. So, to constrain the analysis to the ROI, I ran a 
>> Monte Carlo correction with mri_surfcluster.
>> So a few questions:
>> Would running mri_surfcluster on the sig.mgh output from the mri_glmfit 
>> analysis actually constrain the analysis to the ROI specified?
>> How can I get my results to match that of what I’m seeing in SPSS?
>> Is my analysis set up correctly for what I’m trying to do?
>> Thank you in advance for your patience with this lengthy inquiry.
>> Best,
>> Erin
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