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I am a bit noob on FreeSurfer and coordinate systems and I had a few
questions. I am wondering if I have the T1.mgz file of FreeSurfer after
running recon-all and this is the 256^3 image re-scaled and re-oriented
from your orig.mgz file, then how does one define the fsnative (volume RAS)
vs surface RAS (tkras in FreeSurfer)? Assuming there was no preprocessing
done on the original scanner nifti, I run the following commands:

(base) workstation$ mri_info ~/bids/derivatives/freesurfer/la02/mri/T1.mgz
  -1.00000    0.00000    0.00000  126.81799
   0.00000   -0.00000    1.00000 -121.57332
   0.00000   -1.00000    0.00000  159.64563
   0.00000    0.00000    0.00000    1.00000

(base) workstation$ mri_info ~/bids/derivatives/freesurfer/la02/mri/T1.mgz
  -1.00000    0.00000    0.00000  128.00000
   0.00000    0.00000    1.00000 -128.00000
   0.00000   -1.00000    0.00000  128.00000
   0.00000    0.00000    0.00000    1.00000


1. Applying the `vox2ras` to any voxel, I would get RAS xyz coordinates

2. If I apply `vox2ras-tkr` to any voxel, I would also get RAS xyz

3. So what is the difference exactly between these two transforms? Is there
anything special / consistent in terms of the definition of the origin and
orientation? E.g. Orientation is always RAS, and origin is always...
estimated center of the patient's brain? Or is the origin somewhere special
like the AC?

3. When would I use one transform over the other?

I've searched online and read through the following, but I feel like there
is not explicit discussion of the above questions:



Best Regards,

Adam Li (he/him)
PhD Student in Biomedical Engineering
Johns Hopkins University & School of Medicine
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